Mobius RF Noise

by rchacker | August 5, 2014 | (0) Posted in Reviews

Two videos this time as I forgot to test for GPS in the first video.

Clickable index in the youtube description.


Summary: The Mobius is not that bad, but it does pay to use a bit of shielding and move it away from your reciever.




Fatherfox on August 6, 2014
ok, so i'm not thinking wrapping the whole thing in aluminum is a good thing (heat blanket), so what about just shielding (layer/line) the inside of the case? maby a little thin adhesive to hold it in place, that way the heat sinks still get air? or does the heatsinks and lens pass rf?
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SimplyDoug on August 6, 2014
Maybe the persistent RF spike in the first vid is related to the camera you are filming your video with?
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Mobius RF Noise