MF-22 Raptor Part 2 FREE PLANS

by MESA RC | November 22, 2013 | (31) Posted in Projects


To the FliteTest Community;

This episode features Colton and his MF-22 Raptor final creation maiden flight. This is hands down our best plane yet, designed by a student and meant to fly by a novice pilot. With the control elevron setup the plane flies amazing and there is plans too, FREE at our website. Colton did an amazing job and we are very proud of his recent success!

Download the plane now:


For more planes:!plane-plans/ccb 


Here is our new plan template cover sheet!


Picture of the Raptor spray painted


Colton did a build video that will follow next week to help out your builds.


Download the plans!


Preflight checks, we just leveled all trims, kept the throws pretty high since it is just control surfaces on the back and it flew amazing.


Very easy out of the hands!


Looks to scale!


Colton flying with ease.


Preparing for landing.




Arend on November 22, 2013
the links to the pdf seams to be broken
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MESA RC on November 22, 2013
Thanks for letting me know, it should be fixed now!

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Arend on November 22, 2013
yep works now, Cheers Arend
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WarbirdFan66 on November 23, 2013
I have to do my own testflights first, but this is certainly one of the best looking foamboard birds i have seen so far...very good job Colton and thanks for sharin the planes with us, ...cheers
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MESA RC on November 23, 2013
Warbird, well we hope you like it. Enjoy the build and the flying, send us some pics!

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spetnazer on November 22, 2013
Hai MessaRcFoam team...congratulation....finally its finish...thanks very much about the plans...very interest to build soon....thank u...thank u
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MESA RC on November 23, 2013
Your welcome, have fun building and flying!
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mboomrang on November 22, 2013
Great project and very impressive!
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MESA RC on November 23, 2013
Thanks, enjoy the build and fly, send some pics!
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AlexBR on November 23, 2013
Really nice!
Now I need to finish my SU35 as fast as possible to build this incredible F22.
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MESA RC on November 26, 2013
Nice, yeah send us pics when your done and let us know how it goes.
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Kurt0326 on November 22, 2013
It looks great! I think he did an awesome job! I am thinking of three things. 1: One signature fetcher for the F-22 is the thrust vectoring exhaust can you add that “I.E. extending the evalons through to the middle”? 2: Will there be any alternate plans to accept the Flitetest Powerpod? 3: Can you add in a throw gauge and recommended electronics list? All in all I think this will be a great addition to my military war planes. Thanks guys!
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MESA RC on November 22, 2013
1. We will not add the signature thrust vectoring, are you getting confused with the F-35? The plane was designed for beginners, maybe someday down the line. 2. With the amount of student projects going on, no on the POD modification, however, the slot is pretty big and you might be able to rig something up. Our motor mounts are designed specifically for this plane, the plans are free, visit the same page on our site. 3. The recommended electronics are on the cover sheet when you download. The throws are set at high rates on a DXe5, so not sure on the right number. I would set the throws pretty high for it is just 2 control surfaces on the back.

Thanks for the suggestions,
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RoyBro on November 22, 2013
Really, really great job Colton. I look forward to the build video.

I think MESArcFF is absolutely awesome school program. Makes me wish I had gone to school in Loveland. And that I was 40 years younger. ;)
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MESA RC on November 23, 2013
Thanks for the comment, I will share the kind words to Colton. Enjoy the build, the plane is very easy to fly, lots of fun. Yes I wish I had a class like this too, once I got the chance to implement it at the school as a teacher, skies the limit!

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paullyjay on November 25, 2013
That looks Great! Well done (and thanks for the free plans!)
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MESA RC on November 26, 2013
No problem, thank you for the comment.
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BuckE67 on November 25, 2013
Well Done!!
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MESA RC on November 26, 2013
Thank you, Colton will see all the comments and feel proud.

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aengland300 on December 27, 2015
Could the raptor have thrust vectoring?
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MESA RC on December 27, 2015
I would think so, you would have to rig something up and maybe cut a little out from the back. If you do, document it, we would love to see how you approach it.

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MF-22 Raptor Part 2 FREE PLANS