How to set up and flip a KK2 Quadcopter

by rctestbench | July 21, 2013 | (5) Posted in How To

Short Video on how to do flips and rolls with a KK2 quadcopter. I just started doing them my self one day ago. I crashed a bunch trying to figure out the best PI settings and stick scaling settings which i have at the end of the video. I had a hard time finding a good video on youtube on setting up and how to do your first flips, so i made this video. I am not an expert acrobatic pilot so anyone should be able to do flips and rolls as long as you can fly comfortably in Acro Mode with your KK2 Controller. My KK2 is upgraded to the ver 1.6 firmware but i think these settings should work well on ver 1.5 firmware, but i am not sure about ver 1.2 firware that comes on a stock KK2 controller from hobbyking.

I found it easiest to start low, gain attitude, reduce throttle till it stops rising, full aileron (left or right), flip then back on the power quickly do it does not drop too quickly.

rolls use aileron (left or right), flips use elevator (forward or backward)


PI Editor settings

Axis Roll (aileron)

P Gain : 50

P Limit : 100

I Gain :25

I Limit :25

Axis Pitch  (Elevator)

P Gain : 50

P Limit : 100

I Gain :25

I Limit :25

Axis Yaw (Rudder)

P Gain : 50

P Limit : 100

I Gain :25

I Limit :25

 Stick Scaling

Roll (Ail) :105

 Pitch (Ele) : 105

Yaw (rud) : 50

Throttle: 150

Self Level Settings

P Gain :40

P Limit :20

These are not ideal settings, just what i had in my kk2 when i made the video

quad confirguration

Cheap Hobbyking quad frame (dji flamewheel 450 copy

KK2 controller with ver 1.6 firmware

NTM 2826 1200 kv motors

turnigy 9 x 4.7 abs props

Turnigy Plush 25 amp esc

Turnigy 9x transmitter

 Turnigy 9x 8C v2 receiver

Turnigy 3S 5000mah 25-35C Lipo Battery



mei on July 27, 2013
Good one. If you would have had one clip showing how you moved the sticks it would have been even better. =)
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Russ40 on July 25, 2013
Thanks for the info. I have been trying to find something like this for awhile now.
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geekazoid on July 28, 2013
I tried your settings on my F330 and it was hilariously fun "managing chaos".
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4stripes on April 11, 2014
Thanks for the guidance.
Did you do the flips with self level ON or OFF?
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How to set up and flip a KK2 Quadcopter