H Quad designed Canopy with Go pro paper model

by Jevohn | April 11, 2014 | (4) Posted in Projects

I came up with a conopy design for the Flite Test H Quadcopter (plans are below). This is my frist multicopter I am working on and I really do love the H quad. I am hoping to use it for general flying and for FPV.  When I began to work on this quadcopter , I wanted more than a frame , I wanted a suitable canopy that would give it a nice look and also protect the electronics.

My design was inspired by Curtist Young blood Sting Ray 500 which I first saw on Flite Test. 

My materials : 1/2 inch poplar dowels and I used 5mm foam board for the bottom.


Dry fit assembly on top of drawn plans 

Glued and pressure applied by books


Completed frame 


Mock up of quad copter canopy from cardstock paper 

Canopy drawn out on dollar tree foam board 


Part of canopy cut out and lines was cut out ( should have scored the lines instead)


Canopy assembled


Canopy part two cut out 


Canopy part two assembled 


Both Canopies together 


Canopy by it self


Self madePaper model Go pro hero 3


 Go pro camera in the quad canopy (fits perfectly!)


In the plans , I provided the drawings for the way I did the back of my quad. I made it like a shelf which would be used for putting FPV gear , like the Antenna at the back to help with separation of  Antenna and reciever. If you would like you can just make the back round. 

These are the parts used for the back on the plans and when completed.

This is how far I made it with the Quad copter. I will soon order the electronics for it but I personally Love the design of my canopy, Hoping you all will like the canopy design also.

Here are the plans for the H Quad canopy and the paper model Go pro Hero 3.

Go Pro Hero 3 Paper Model

H quad canopy plans



Enjoy and Thanks 


nicktutttle on May 13, 2014
Awesome work! I love the foam-board canopy concept. It definitely adds a nice touch!
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Jevohn on May 13, 2014
Thank you very much :)
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sailorJohn on May 13, 2014
I was just about to give up on building h quad as there are so many better ones off the shelf but your build gives me the incentive to complete mine with a similar fuse.
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Jevohn on May 13, 2014
I glad it did and feel free to try making the canopy. That was my first time ever trying to draw up plans for this. I really love the H quad above the other quads because of the ability to design around it.
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MTARVER on May 13, 2014
Nice job. I'm also building my first quad but I'm not ready to try my hand at sculpting a canopy. I bought an X frame from Hobby King. What kid of electronics did you put under the hood?
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Jevohn on May 14, 2014
I haven't gotten my order of electronics as yet but I am putting the recommended setup for the Flite test H quad.
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