Give a second Chance to your Old Radios
Sure you have read articles about upgrading your 72Mhz Radios to 2.4 Ghz this is the way I did it, I just wanted to make it cleaner easier an less invasive, I never liked the idea of drill my Radios or change it's original look adding switches and leds, then I made it trying that they look original inside and outside
So let's do it
Before start be aware that the electronic devices are really fragile in some ways, always check twice before connect, cut, or solder anything
In this article I'll show how I modified 3 JR radios, two of them with the FRSKY DHT and the third with a Hitec Spectra 2.4 module, the radios are JR XF-622, JR SX -600, JR X-378
In my experience the radios always have a separate PCB in charge of transmitting the pcm signal in this case at 72 Mhz, as you can see there is a connector in the right upper side of the brown board the 3 cables are Ground, Vcc and PCM. But warning, in this case for example ground isnt brown neither red Vcc or yellow signal(pcm) as in the servos o esc's.
To solve this I checked where they come from and re-solder in a standard way, here you can see it.
Now the new module, its a frsky DHT , this is what you get and what's inside
here you can see the new module placed in site, after I replaced the "in" cable with a 3 pin connector, the reason to reorganize the cable from the radio is that now it matches with the new module
Other thing we can improve is the way to mount the antenna connector, also you can use hot glue, or take your time and use some heat-shrink and use it as shown. put short pieces until the diameter is near to the hex then longer pieces over, untill you get a diameter slightly larger than the hole in the TX, trim the excess of heat-shrink to guarantee the removable antenna connection,
then you can push the antenna in the hole.
The next step is the reason of this article, there is no need to add a switch that barely will be used if you have a telemetry receiver you can just unplug the switch and install only the led and binding button, in my case I have both kinds, so I have to install the switch.
For the binding button this radio has a nice space where it fit perfectly, in fact is designed to have a button there.
As you can see there is a "bridge" also two cuts in the pcb conductor to separate the new connection from the original circuit
Here the push button and LED removed, on its places connectors to extend them.
Finally the switch and LED installed.
And this is how it looks, minor changes and now your radio is in 2.4GHz.
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I have the xht for this radio. I’m clueless on what to solder though. Can you help clarify what wires get removed from the Tx and which ones from the XHT get soldered and where?
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I have the xht for this radio. I’m clueless on what to solder though. Can you help clarify what wires get removed from the Tx and which ones from the XHT get soldered and where?
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I have the xht for this radio. I’m clueless on what to solder though. Can you help clarify what wires get removed from the Tx and which ones from the XHT get soldered and where?
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As you may know, I'm in Colombia so I have bought it from Ebay or HK. All the other parts are really easy to get, please let me know if you have any other doubt.
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ps: the second part is published
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I have the xht for this radio. I’m clueless on what to solder though. Can you help clarify what wires get removed from the Tx and which ones from the XHT get soldered and where?
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