Fun Buggy - Recycle Old Electronics - Part 1

by Scott1308 | February 5, 2015 | (10) Posted in Just Fun

Fun Buggy - Part 1

My boys and I love Flite Test and we are thankful for them helping us find a great hobby to do together as a family. Here is a way we found to use our old plane parts to entertain and educate our younger sons, Sam and Gabe.


Gabe learns the radio control driving his Fun Buggy.

We started last year by building an FT flyer and grew from there.

I wanted to find a way to get the younger boys involved because they are a little young yet to really be able to control some of the planes. So we created the FUN BUGGY.

When I was young, I used to fly the old Cox control line airplanes. After I totally destroyed the plane I had to find some use for the engine, so I would put together various prop-cars that would run along strings attached to the ground. 

We tried to used all materials that you would have on hand if you are into building Flite Test foamies.

Part 2 will be a build video.

Make some memories with your little guys!

Thanks for watching!


Scott Wilson

William Wilson (banjo)

Sam Wilson

Gabe Wilson


spoonerisms on February 6, 2015
Great idea! May try this with my boys! Thx!
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spastickitten on February 5, 2015
Does it do fpv? Swappable? The beef pack? I'm just playing could be fun might build one!
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Scott1308 on February 6, 2015
Great ideas! The sky's the limit!
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NoUsername on March 13, 2015
I too am looking forward toward your plans for the Fun Buggy. Also this is a good way to show the kids that even though the buggy may be a toy, it also can be a teaching tool about the respect for the electrical equipment and respect for the propeller and what it can do!
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Yogenh on February 7, 2015
Very good it is a really good way to get the little ones going too. Your not far from me I am in Midlothian Va
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Miracle Air on February 6, 2015
Excellent! Gread idea, great execution and IMPRESSIVE editing. It's edited like an episode of Flite Test. Really well done.
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Miracle Air on February 6, 2015
Nice music as well. I just ordered a cardboard dulcimer, so...
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Scott1308 on February 6, 2015
Thanks for the comments! William's really coming along with his banjo. We need a bluegrass jam session section!
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Sirglider on February 6, 2015
Memories with the kids is the best! Thanks for sharing!
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epic on February 9, 2015
Wish my dad would build a plane or this with me...
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ttprigg on February 6, 2015
Great job guys! Recycling/Re-use is always good but, I can see intense "Bloody Wonder" streamer combat in your futures. Nothing like creative fun (with mild competition). Also, William, the banjo background music was spot on! I really enjoyed the presentation. 5-stars from me...
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Yogenh on February 7, 2015
Oh and some plans for some of them would be nice. It would be a good place to get them started building too.
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Scott1308 on February 7, 2015
Yes! Plans! Trying to put them together with a build video next. Thx!
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Fun Buggy - Recycle Old Electronics - Part 1