If you want to purchace a Naze32 we have them available in our store!
This information can be applied to any kind of race quad setup.
If you are building a VersaCopter, you can continue straight through the rest of the build with this video.
For comparison, David Windestal uses 6x4.5 props on 4-cell with an 1800kV motor, and that draws almost 20a!
I recommend using 5x4.5 props on the Power Pack E 4-cell setup. Maybe Josh misspoke...
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The battery is plugged into a power distribution board. The switch mode regulators on the power distribution board chop up the DC into little pulses and then varies the width of the pulses to reduce the voltage. Then it goes through a capacitor to smooth out the current which can then be distributed to each ESC and whatever other connections are asking for power. This I just learned from one of Bruce's Videos at RC Model Reviews. He is an Electrical engineer.
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You solder the ESC's to the ports on the board...
The VOLO PDB is being used on the frame in the video as Josh Bixler mentioned.
This is the one we are talking about!
We're not referring to older/ cheaper multirotors : )
Maybe you can elaborate on your alternative methods on how the 4 ESC's get power from a 12V+ LiPo.
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1. Can you post a PID configuration file for the Flite Test power pack option?
2. Do your power pack ESC's have OneShot yet? (I know they're available on the Emax site)
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some links to help.....
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I have versacopter and power pack E,
But 3 cell battery so the above PID setting work for the setup.
Or it does not work good.
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If you do accomplish this small feat, then I could start asking RC-specific questions. What do you think? Is this going to be Mission Impossible, or did you guys think that we are all vampires who shy away from bright lights?
Hint: We are not, as far as I can tell.
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