080 Versacopter

by FliteTest | July 3, 2015 | (17) Posted in Podcasts

Today we talk about what we have been up to lately at Flite Test. Including Flite Fest preparations, upcoming products, products we have been using and a game we have been playing!


Audio Link

FPV Freerider Game 

Tile Item Finder

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Fairmont Flyer on July 3, 2015
Can you do another Video Podcast? I really enjoyed that one because we could actually see ALL of Josh's faces. :D
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Techno16 on July 3, 2015
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vidicon on July 6, 2015
:) :) :)
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stratos on July 7, 2015
:) oh yeah!!!!
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toolone on July 6, 2015
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ERAU1983 on July 6, 2015
The less scripted, the better you are. With FPV, multicopters, training aids, telemetry, etc. etc. it's impossible to know what is out there. You guys live this everyday and bring it to us in your podcasts. Austin does a good job forcing you to explain the new terms you bring into the podcast.
Thank You!
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gremlin88 on July 6, 2015
/( _____________
| >:===========`
I tried to use FPV Freerider a while back with my transmitter and SmartProPoPlus (which works on BMI and RCDeskPilot), but I couldn't change which channel controlled each function, so throttle and yaw were fine, but roll was on a knob and pitch didn't have a control.
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spastickitten on July 22, 2015
Calibrate your controller in freerider
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Firebird on July 7, 2015

Thanks guys, I really enjoyed this one.

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flyingbuddha on July 3, 2015
As for the "Tech Shops". If you in the New Orleans area, we have Idiya Makerspace http://myidiya.com/ . Maker spaces at Universities are becoming popular too. Tulane has one down here.
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NCC1701 on July 3, 2015
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sy101 on July 4, 2015
:-) made it to the T-Rex
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flyingbuddha on July 3, 2015

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91shadowrider on July 3, 2015
I tried the game and it looked real interesting.The desert has no ground, just sky top and bottom .The other fun places in the game I would like to try crash before they reach the screen. Interesting game and I like the idea but there are bugs to work out before wasting your money.
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spastickitten on July 5, 2015
^w^ just like the forums! ^w^
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Maingear on July 6, 2015
What was the name of the balsa CAD program?
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AcBates on July 9, 2015
"Profili", now it's "Profili 2"
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j_0_h_0 on July 3, 2015
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GlueTapeNFly on July 6, 2015
I think it would be really awesome to do a Flite Test meet up at the Dayton USAF museum!
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GlueTapeNFly on July 6, 2015
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Duggem on July 6, 2015
:-) Made it!
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joker24458 on July 3, 2015
:) Awesome podcast, I actually kind of prefer this "open" format instead of some of the other more structured podcasts.....thanks for the laughs and keep up the great work!
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FlyJuice on July 4, 2015
foamboard quad bodies/nose look awesome I could see a design contest happening with them. Anyhow I am glad you guys put out the versa copter because integrated power board now really is a must.
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jrvalentin62 on July 4, 2015
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SwissFreek on July 5, 2015
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rocketman on July 4, 2015
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PCSmithy on July 6, 2015
I kind of disagree with the point of the Taranis being difficult to learn. I've never owned a Futaba or Spektrum (I've used both, but never dove into the programming side) so I don't know how easy or difficult those radios are to use, but I had no trouble learning the interface of the taranis. The only thing that wasn't really intuitive for me was dual rates and mixing, and 10 minutes on youtube helped me with there. And once you start comparing the features and price to other radios with the same build quality and features etc. the Taranis is an excellent value.

I'm excited to see what you guys all think of it after the whole FT crew gets a chance to try them out.

As always, great podcast, I love listening to you guys and I can't wait to meet the team at Flite Fest.
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Flying Cirkus on July 6, 2015
Taranis has a great and proven case and decent hardware for the price. Where it shines tho, is the OpenTX! Nothing beats OpenTX in ease of use and flexibility!
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AdamAnt on July 6, 2015
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510thousandths on July 6, 2015
:) +1 on the trip back to 'as the locals call it,' "the air force museum"...You need to go to the presidential and research hanger as well..Lots of stuff that has been off display there. When they open the new building, a lot of it will be seen again!
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KMD on July 4, 2015
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SP0NZ on July 6, 2015
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PlaneAddicted on July 6, 2015
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caleb_rc on July 4, 2015
:-) great podcast! I actually prefer these unstructured podcast where you guys just talk about what's going on at Flitetest. I would love to see another live Q&A/podcast at FF this year as well as a bunch of videos. Looking forward to the new planes and designs. You guys are awesome!!
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SwissFreek on July 5, 2015
Totally agree. This is what I like about the podcast vs. the videos (not that I dislike those either!). I love hearing you guys just shoot the breeze, bench fly, talk about the goings-on, get distracted when Josh sees a squirrel or decides to eat a cupcake or Periscope or change his shirt. It feels like when I'm hanging out with my buddies, if we weren't all grown-ups with families that don't have time to just hang out anymore.
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mad_milchmann on July 6, 2015
This Rail system sounds Amazing. hope you give us more information on this soon :)
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FoD on July 3, 2015
:) Great podcast!
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ghostbear on July 4, 2015
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FTprime on July 8, 2015
need a video!

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Alzey on July 4, 2015

Pusher Trainer?!!?!?! As a noob that has broken a lot of props, I cant way to get the build plans.
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C0d3M0nk3y on July 4, 2015
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krinaman on July 6, 2015
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tlil9 on July 3, 2015
:) Another great podcast! FrSky products rock. It would be great if you guys could get them on your store. I definitely recommend the Taranis and FrSky receivers👍🏼
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lkamache on July 3, 2015
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Gigawatts on July 6, 2015
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Captain Crash on July 5, 2015
(: thank you for listening guys theirs a lot of people who wanted a aileron version of the speedster
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Sammy on August 11, 2015
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Dylan Wells on July 13, 2015
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Snarls on July 17, 2015

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Tosuma on September 2, 2015
:P Thank you for starting to talk about the FrSky Taranis. I was worried there for a while you were avoiding even acknowledging it to not upset your Spektrum and Graupner sponsors which would have severely lowered my respect for this great team. It's such a great radio system and I hope you can explore some of it's really powerful features to highlight the benefits of it for the the Flite Test family. Good job.
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Rust15 on July 9, 2015
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vwflat4 on July 9, 2015
:-) Good Podcast!!! Better than normal audio. Volume levels were all about equal, which is nice for ear buds. Thanks again for all you do, Sorry I won't be able to make it to flitefest. Are you going to be doing Periscope or Livestream like last year?
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polodu64 on July 20, 2015
I know this podcast has been around for quite a long time, but, hey...

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Saunder the III on July 11, 2015
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alljazz76 on July 10, 2015
:-) I've been watching your youtube videos for about a year and just recently completed my builds of the FT Flyer and FT Delta, but this was my first listen to your podcast. I really enjoyed it! It was so natural, relaxed and fun. Wonderful job! Wish I could come to FliteFest. Thank you for all that you do for the community! Keep up the great work!
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rcwingman on August 20, 2015
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Digital Wolf on October 28, 2015
What are the programs josh used to blow up the sportster?
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cyrus487 on July 10, 2015
=] Iv'e just caught up up all the podcasts, it took me about 4 months to listen to them all! Loving the flitefest periscope coverage, be careful with that arm Josh.
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RChead7 on July 10, 2015
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lrussi750 on July 22, 2015

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Knotgood on July 30, 2015
:) I was stuck in traffic. Love the Podcast would have listened to it to the end regardless. Cant wait to be able to check out the Versacopter for reals.

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Golf on July 13, 2015
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ssummers on July 9, 2015

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thejimohalloran on July 11, 2015
:) Looking forward to more info about the versacopter and the rail system.
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Theflyingfoam on July 17, 2015
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Benni678 on July 12, 2015
(:asome Potcast
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clangeva on July 18, 2015
I challenge you guys to do an episode where you make a working space shuttle that lunches off with hobby grade engines and you can glide the shuttle back down. That would be an awesome challenge.
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TurboNinjaStix on July 18, 2015
😀😃😄😅😁😆 Can't wait for the new products! Also, I have a Pololo pdb I custom fit for the Batbone. Any chance you can make an integated one like the Electrohub? The ElectroBat?
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area77 on July 20, 2015
So you all mentioned the Flight Test Poster....when are we gonna see that on the store?????
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ValHolla on July 26, 2015
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FPVJOE on January 17, 2016
What is a 080 Versacopter?
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Kurt0326 on July 9, 2015

Heck yah! Taranis, I'm love'n it. Now Graupner needs to sale me a  module for their system so I can try the all in one fight controller.
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mike.chuanshi on July 11, 2015
What's the name of the multirotor that Peter is holding on the picture above and where can I find more information about it?
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etegration on July 27, 2015
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ryantmagee on September 2, 2015
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080 Versacopter