This is a step by step instruction manual on how I used a laptop computer as a FPV ground station. It allows me to record the video that is coming live from your FPV camera. If you do lose signal you will get snow for the most part. The parts are fairly inexpensive for the set up if you have the FPV gear already.
Parts List
- FPV system
- Usb telemetry (optional)
- Easycap usb to av adapter
- Usb extension cable
- Laptop
- Lipo 3 cell
- Box with handle
Tool List
- Drill
- Drill bits
- Tape
- Pin
- Pen
Step 1: Place radio against the top of the box.
Step 2: Take a sharpie and outline the connecter.
Step 3: Draw a dot in the center of the outlined area.
Step 4: Plug cables into your FPV receiver and put it in your box to find locate the location that lets your cables fit down the side. Then repeat steps 1-3.
Step 5: Take your antennas and find a drill bit that will drill a large enough hole for the socket to fit through.
Step 6: Take your pin and push it through to make a hole where you dots are.
Step 7: After removing your pin take a drill bit about 1/2 the size of your final hole and drill a hole where the pin came through.
Step 8: After you predrill your hole(s) drill your full size hole(s)
Step 9: After drilling your holes clean them out and test fit your antenna(s).
Step 10: Attach you antennas to your receivers(s) and locate the position you like them in.
Step 11: Tape your receiver(s) to your box in the position you liked. Make sure cables are installed in your FPV receiver because they will not fit in easily after you tape in your receiver.
Step 12: Attach your Easycap converter to your av cables from your FPV receiver.
Step 13: Install Easycap driver on your laptop.
Step 14: Turn on FPV gearStep 15 : Open VideoStudio on your computer and click on the VideoStudio Editor Icon.
Step 16: After opening videostudio editor go to the top right hand cornner of the page and click capture.
Step 17: Click the button labled Capture Video.
Step 18: After clicking the capture video icon (If you installed all of the drivers) the video from your camera should apear live on your screen.
Step 19: If you have telemetry plug the cable into your computer and your telemetry unit is ready to use.
Step 20: Enjoy your new portable FPV ground station.
Congradulations you've completed your ground station!!!!! There are some things to watch out for to keep your new ground station in tip top shape. A couple of them are your antenas. If you have a non dipol antena you should cover or unscrew it when you transport it so that you don't break it. Another thing to watch out for is if your computer tends to overheat you might want to invest in a pc fan and stick it in your box. I have been using this box and it is working great and the video has a suprisling low latency. I have taken it with me to school and I don't wory about my fpv gear being broken by sombody when i leave it in a class room. Have fun flying and make sure to comment with what you think could be improved. Thanks for reading my article.
Jack McCandless.
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its great for recording I guess, but for live feed to fly.. I wouldnt.
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