FPV gear stolen from car!

by RCTV-UK | March 29, 2014 | (0) Posted in Reviews

Before my story begins I just want to say I put this in reviews as I believe this counts as a review of the kind of people that came to my assistance.

FPV stolen 

Recently my car was broken in to and all mine and Lisa’s FPV gear was stolen (sad face) 

Lisa and I had been to friends house to do some FPV night flying and we got back to ours pretty late. We took in to the house what we could carry and I told Lisa I would grab the rest when I walk the dogs before we go to bed. 

Well I was pretty tired and while walking Delilah and Lucy I forgot all about the gear in the car, but I live in a good neighbourhood so it’ll be ok right? NO!

Shhh Delilah 

Delilah our 12 year old bull terrier barked about 4pm but we are surrounded by cats, she often hears them in the night and barks a few times to let them know she is there. I remember hearing Lisa telling Delilah to “shhh” and then went back to sleep. 

 Saturday’s at RCTV-UK HQ

Saturday mornings are a pretty standard affair in our house. We get up about 10am and have some breakfast then we take the dogs out for a good walk. Once they are sorted we will then go flying or shooting which is one of our other passions. So Lisa and I grabbed the dogs after breakfast and headed out for our Saturday morning canine adventure. 

 Cut short 

 I noticed the mess inside the car as we walked out on to our driveway and the penny dropped.

“We’ve been robbed Lisa” I exclaimed! Sadly for the dogs their regular adventure was to be cut short. Lisa took them over to our local park to do their business while I took stock and called the police.

Taking stock 

 On reviewing the situation it was revealed that the thieving (insert your own expletive) had stolen our 12ft ground station mast, 5.8ghz dual diversity FPV screen and 5.8ghx patch and Spironet antennas, 10 x 3 & 4s li-po batteries and the bag that carries all our in field repair items and tools.

 Horror, disappointment & aftershock

This was horrible I can not explain how angry and disappointed I felt. I was angry at myself for leaving the stuff in the car and sad that there was someone out there in that much need that they felt like they had to do this to us. Since the car was broken into Lisa and I have been up at the window at the slightest sound and if Delilah barks we are out there with a flashlight. We have been paranoid that the house is going to get broken in to next and when out we are both worried what we will find when we return. The aftershock is probably the worst part of this story, we are definitely damaged a little since this event.

 Happy endings and faith restored 

 I was really touched by the kindness and generocity of a few of the people that saw the post regarding this on the FPV pages of Facebook. I really can't thank them enough for their help, one thing is for sure Lisa and I are very grateful and RCTV-UK with the exception of a few items is back in business.


This video is dedicated to Joe Estes - ReadyMade RC - http://www.readymaderc.com/store/

                                   Andrew Griffiths - Droneflight UK - http://droneflight.co.uk

                                Ubay Bayrakci - droneframes - http://droneframes.com/shop/




Zatoichi on March 31, 2014
It is really wonderfull to see good folks come togather and help a fellow hobbyist when the chips are down!
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FPV gear stolen from car!