Foam Test: Basic Trainer

by FoamTest | August 14, 2016 | (5) Posted in Projects

The Foam Test Basic Trainer is a great start for someone who is interested in getting started in the amazing hobby of RC, foam board, planes. This can be built in about an evening, and it is a great first build.


Review Video

The build video will be released as soon as I make it, and the plans will be out when I get a good CAD software. 

Here is all of the parts drawn out, as you can see this is all out of one sheet of DTFB (dollar tree foam board).

And here they are all cut out.

I'm sorry I didn't take many pictures during the build process, but here is the completed tail.

A shot of the frount of the fuse, with the mini power pod installed. The power pod is from my mini guinea pig so there is no thrust angle.

Here is the completed Basic Trainer!

Weight in grams, with 2200mah 3s lipo.

Weight in oz. with a 2200mah 3s lipo.


This is the review of the Foam Test Basic Glider, hope you enjoyed!

And as always, Happy flying!

Foam Test

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Planiac01 on September 28, 2016
That looks awesome! I cant wait to build one! However, I noticed that you said you needed a CAD Program. I have one that I use and it works great, and it's free. It's called DoubleCAD XT: There is a great tutorial on the forums on how to use it here: If you don't feel like making the plans, I would be more than happy to make them for you! Just send me a picture of the plans on paper with dimensions. And by the way, what power pack does that use?
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Spacemonkeykj on October 11, 2016
First of all, great job Foam Test. That plane flies very well. I am currently working on a similar looking design that is more advanced, called the Ares. (There is picture in my current article - I want to release plans but don't know how. Planiac 01, you mentioned that you have experience making plans. If you could make plans for my plane that would be AWESOME! Just give me you email address and I will send you the dimensions. Thank you to everyone in the community for you incredible knowledge.
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FoamTest on October 11, 2016
Planiac 01 would probably be the person to ask about this, I just installed the CAD program today and I am still very new to it.
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Spacemonkeykj on October 11, 2016
Okay thanks... Keep up the good work, I can't wait to build your plane!
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Planiac01 on October 12, 2016
I would love to help. Can you DM me over the forums? No offense to anyone on the comments but I don't want my email available to the public. Same for you, FoamTest. I believe I am still planiac01 on the forums.
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FoamTest on October 21, 2016
I actually made a new email for my YouTube channel and use that same email for this. I only use it for things pertaining to the articles and YouTube so I don't mind sharing it.
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Planiac01 on October 12, 2016
Wait nevermind I am a different name on the forums. My email is:
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FoamTest on October 10, 2016
Thanks for the offer on making the plans for me, but I'd like to learn how to make them myself. If you could teach me the basics of the software I'd greatly appreciate that. Also this plane uses a power pack A.
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Planiac01 on October 10, 2016
I'm not very good at teaching, but in my last reply I left a link to a forum post that shows how to use he software that I linked to also. Let me know if this helps. It was how I learned.
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FoamTest on October 10, 2016
I am actually having some issues installing the program itself, it's asking for a serial number and I'm not sure what it's talking about. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Planiac01 on October 10, 2016
I'm not entirely sure because it was a long time ago, but I believe you have to sign up for the free version on their website and it will email you a serial number or activation code
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FoamTest on October 11, 2016
I have the program downloaded and it is working. I was wondering if you could help me with making the plans for the basic trainer?
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Planiac01 on October 12, 2016
I would love to help! What can I do?
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FoamTest on October 12, 2016
I won't be able to have access to the computer that has the cad software on it until Monday, could you help me with it then?
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Planiac01 on October 12, 2016
Of course! After school though.
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FoamTest on October 10, 2016
Ok thank you!
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Foam Test: Basic Trainer