Fathers Heart Ranch

by Jake Wells | August 1, 2014 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

Making this video can be described with one word "Heartbreaking". During my last visit to California I drove out to Coachella valley with my friend and brother in Christ who is the director of the Ranch.

I had bought a new brushless gimbal from witespy at ready to fly quads just for this visit. The gimbal worked great in testing but the power connection it uses is from the balance plug which is very short on my batteries. So I made an extension cable. I was almost done soldering the leads when my wife called me from the other room with a honey can you change the baby request. After returning I soldered the positive lead to negative and vice versa. Which let the smoke out of the gimbal.

After freaking out a bit I decided since I was 1200 miles from home I would fly without the gimbal and work with the footage I could get.

It was hot, windy and hot. but worth it. I was able to let the kids fly a little and we encouraged them that one day they could build one too. That they could do anything they set their minds to. These kids had been abused in so many ways and beat down in life that my heart broke a little more.

The following is from their website:

Father’s Heart Ranch is a group home for abused and neglected boys. We care for children by providing a safe and stable home environment for them so that they can heal from the abuse they have endured. These children have been removed from their homes by Child Protective Services and placed with us.

Each child’s circumstance is different. Some are waiting for a parent to complete court required programs before the child can return, other parents are incarcerated or plainly, nowhere to be found. Either way, our goal is to provide skills that each child can take with them on their journey through life. Through therapy, community involvement, spiritual development, exposure to new things and above all LOVE. We provide holistic development for our children and in this way we look forward to seeing that each child’s journey is a success.

Please consider helping the ranch by visiting http://www.thefathersheartranch.org/donate


steadfast4life on August 4, 2014
What a great ministry! Even without the gimbal, footage was clean. Nice job and God bless!
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Jake Wells on August 5, 2014
Thank you brother, God bless you too.
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Bailey on August 1, 2014
cool stuff
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Jake Wells on August 5, 2014
Thank you
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rcflyer729 on August 3, 2014
nice video
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Jake Wells on August 5, 2014
Thank you.
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Fathers Heart Ranch