DX6i auto timer

by sokol | January 12, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

I built little mod (hack) for my Spektrum DX6i transmitter as I always forget to turn on my flight time timer when I start flying. Now I can relax as the mod will keep track of the throttle stick position and automatically trigger trainer switch based on the throttle position threshold (which can be easily changed). I though it might be usefull for others as well. Even though its a quite easy project you still need some basic knowledge in electronics.



I chose AVR microcontroller as I had it laying around in my parts bin.

Parts you would need:

  • 1x ATtiny13 microcontroller
  • 1x 8pin dip socket (or you can solder the chip directly - just do not overheat it)
  • 2x 10k resistors
  • 1x 100nF capacitor
  • 1x buzzer 7.62mm leg spacing (which emits some kind of sound at 3.3V)
  • 1x 6pin 90° male header connector (or you can solder cables directly)


I build this cable where I just solder two wires to the switches and the rest is connected through intercepting connection so I can replace throttle stick assembly easily again if needed (yes my potentiometer went wrong at the best possible time... bloody Murphy) 


Trainer and Flap wires are soldered on the pad which does not have the black cable connected to it. If you want to use different switch for device activation just solder cable from pin 3 to any other switch you like.

Power to the device is obtained from the throttle stick cable plug which has:

  • black (-)
  • yellow (throtle position signal)
  • red (+3.3V) 
Note that there can be a difference between transmitter modes. So just make sure you are tapping correct wires from throttle stick potentiometer (in my region MODE1 is used the most)


Printed circuit board (PCB):

If you want to fabricate your own PCB you can download DipTrace source files and print it from there (link below). How ever if you don't mind waiting a bit you can order it directly from OSHpark for about 6$ (including world wide shipping) for 3 pieces - so you can share with friends :)

OSHpark: http://oshpark.com/shared_projects/mnQSmwfr

Design sources (in DipTrace): dx6i-autotimer.zip



To upload firmware you would need AVR programer or (arduino). ISP pinout on the device from the top (left to right) is as follows:

  • 1 VCC +5V
  • 2 GND
  • 3 MOSI
  • 4 MISO
  • 5 SCK
  • 6 RESET 
Programing using arduino uno and avrdude:
avrdude -P COM4 -c arduino -p t13 -b19200 -Uflash:w:dx6i-autotimer.hex

I post it here in the spirit of flitetest free plans so feel free to build, modify, hack as you like.

Creative Commons License
DX6i autotimer mod by Sokol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


mmerry2 on January 15, 2014
Nice idea. Wish the DX6i had some of these features built in. Similar to what you did in your video, I would suggest that you add an introduction to the top of your article which describes your hack.
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sokol on January 15, 2014
Thank you for the suggestion. I just updated it :)
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steadfast4life on January 13, 2014
I wish I could do this but I dont have the basic understanding not to wreck my dx6i. Kudos for figuring this out (though it should have been standard as it is on my Aurora 9)!
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DX6i auto timer