DL Gee Bee: Build and Flight

by DLPlanes | June 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hello, I'm new to the flite test community, but I've been following them for the past years on YouTube. I was watching a recent video of theirs where Josh said to share any planes and ideas we have, so I decided to share this plane I designed. I've been in the hobby for the past 6 years, and started my own channel back in the beginning of '09. I've learned much more than I ever thought I would about aviation. 



PDFs: http://bit.ly/dlgeebee





stephen on July 10, 2013
I like that looks like fun to build and fly good one
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Curins on July 9, 2013
Plans please Sir! I'd love to build one, and it looks perfect for one sheet of the infamous Dtree Foam!
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DLPlanes on July 10, 2013
The link for the plans are above the flying video.
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DL Gee Bee: Build and Flight