After reading an article on €100 FPV-goggles (Forum in Dutch) I decided to build my own version.
I got a 3,5" LCD screen (EBAY), a readymade enclosure ( Eco FPV 3.5" Goggles Kit ). Also available from HK. It uses a Fressnellens-card to enable you to see the picture in focus.
Used a simple RX-TX-combination from HK ( Skyzone ) or something similar.
That's nothing new, so don't bother about that.
I experienced three problems:
1. The Goggles Kit is not comfortable. So I hotglued te gogglekit to an old contructionworkers helmet. Now it's really comfortable.
2. The reveiver got quite hot on 3S. So I put "Heatsink Square double sided Thermal Adhesive Tape for heat sink" on it and a little 12V Fan. It stays cool.
3. The third problem is a minor one. With the Goggles-kit, I got a Fressnellens. The image is not up to my standards. You can see the little lines created by the Fressnelllens. So I ordered a +4.5 dpt and a +6 dpt pair of spectacles. I will carve out a little space in the goggles-kit, so the spectacles will fitt.
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