Boy Scouts / Group Flying Tips

by FliteTest | July 20, 2015 | (7) Posted in Tips

Our main goal is to spread the magic of flight to as many people as we can. For this reason we can never turn down an opportunity to teach the younger generations. 

Karl Welch leads Troop 126 of Bellville, Ohio. He brought his kids and a few other troops along so we could show the scouts what the hobby is all about. 

Trying to wrangle 70+ kids is no easy task. Instead of trying to command all of their attention to one subject at the same time, the most useful tool is to divide up into groups and have stations. 

We brought along the Epic FPV Ground Station (as well as a few FPV goggles) and let the scouts enjoy some flights in the cockpit. 

When you have a large group and want to showcase FPV, we can't stress enough the power of monitors. Goggles are amazing but limit the experience to one individual at a time. With monitors, you can let everyone enjoy the ride all at once.

The next station let the kids try flying first hand. The simulator let's the crash all day long, but the real magic comes from flying an actual plane. Buddy box systems have been around for a while, but the technology has finall caught up and we started to impliment a wireless buddy box. This might not seem like much of an upgrade, but the convenience and ease of passing the transmitter between people is well worth it. 

Lasly we had our good friend Heath talk to the kids about helicopters and gave an amazing flying demo. Thanks again Heath! You're an amazing pilot. 


We want more people to be able to have these group events. Helping the hobby grow is one of the best ways to invest in something you love. Here's are our...


  1. BRING EXTRA AIRCRAFT - Accidents happen. The last thing you want is your only demo plane to go down and be left with nothing to fly. Along with your crash kit, bring a few extra wings or multirotors just for backup. 
  2. ASSIGN SPOTTERS TO ALL STATIONS - If you are flying different aircraft at different stations have spotters make sure there are no loose children running around. 
  3. KEEP IT SIMPLE - When explaning to a young one how to fly, they might not know what you mean when you say, "Watch your back-pressure". Use common terms and phrases instead.
  4. WIRELESS BUDDY BOX - We had to bring it up twice because it's too awesome!
  5. PLAN FOR YOUR SPACE - If you only have access to a small park, don't bring a monster 3D plane! This also means you should plan for weather. If you see it's going to be extra windy, bring planes that can deal with it.
  6. MONITORS ARE BETTER FOR GROUPS - Like we mentioned above, monitors include all. This doesn't mean you should rule out goggles entirely! Bring both. 
  7. CONTINUE THEIR INTEREST - If you see the group members are generally becoming interested, don't leave them hanging. Recommend the local hobby store you like to go to. Show them what they need to get started, or give a shout out to your favorite YouTube show ;)
  8. LEARN WITH A FRIEND - This applies to anything you try to learn for the first time. Having a friend or mentor along makes the process one-thousand times easer. Someone is there to help you fix or mistakes, troubleshoot problems, and to enjoy the fun with you. Be that friend! 


Jake3dpilot on July 22, 2015
Nice you do so much for the community and when are going to have a flite fest recap vid

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jrbemis on July 20, 2015
Thank you. As a Day Camp Director, I can show some folks what the RC hobby can do for my Cub Scouts. Great event!
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ken meller on July 21, 2015
My Hats off to the guys on this one. I sure think I seen 70 smiling faces or faces of extreme interest.
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steelman on July 21, 2015
What about girl scouts?
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Tri blades on July 20, 2015
Great to see you guys reaching out to boy scouts now I am a boy scout and I think are troop need to do the avation merit bag
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jrbemis on July 20, 2015
Check with an Aviation Merit Badge Counselor in your Council. If they are involved in an AMA sanctioned club, the club may be very excited to present to a Troop, Pack, or Crew. I've done it several times including an Aviation Camporee. This time of year, clubs are doing fly ins and demoes.
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Tri blades on July 20, 2015
Thanks ill look it to that
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jksbusiness on July 20, 2015
I like the idea of a local group of RC flyers presenting different aspects of flight to the group. The troup could schedule a series of presentations at the home flying field of the local RC Club. Who selected the location for the site in the video? Did the troup have permission slips signed by parents to cover liability issues?
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jrbemis on July 20, 2015
Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) has coverage of the AMA members and clubs.
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Kurt0326 on July 21, 2015
It's nice to to see the Cub Scouts having fun. I remember when my boys were that small. Now I have a Tenderfoot and a First Class running me through the wilderness. Building Eagle Scouts, building the next generation of leaders. Brings me back to my scouting days. ;-P
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superchamp123 on July 22, 2015
Great episode, I've had many positive experiences, and more to come, in boy scouts. I built an old fogey, to get a requirement for the aviation merit badge.

Just so you know cub scouts, are ages 7-10, and boy scouts are 11-18.
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Boy Scouts / Group Flying Tips