050 A Beginner's Perspective on RC

by FliteTest | November 7, 2014 | (8) Posted in Podcasts

 Listen in as the FT Afterhours crew discuss a diverse set of topics including Crash stories,full scale and a beginners perspective.

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crash1414 on November 7, 2014
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coffeebean56 on January 6, 2015
the link doesn't work. Can you post a name that we can use to search?
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mboggess on February 3, 2015
The link does work if you copy and paste only what is visible. Highlighting seems to grab some additional text that isn't needed.

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Burly on November 7, 2014
Can you post a link to the video you were discussing.
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CrashRecovery on November 7, 2014
Hey Chris...... It pays to be a member of a fire department...... That's all I will say
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Ano Pilot on November 8, 2014
Ok, so I have watched the video, thanks for the link. I think it needs to be viewed as an outing for the 'Dumb and Dumber' idiom. I hope that it has NOTHING to do with RC, surely it can't have. I don't understand, and I MEAN I don't understand... WHO (what kind of brain) would maiden an expensive aircraft in strong wind? WHO would try and do a slow landing approach past lamp posts in low level wind turbulence? WHO would allow what is basically a 'gun-dog', and bred for chasing down game, the freedom to chase a flying object when it could have blinded the animal? WHO would be daft enough to publish the video?

Everyone makes mistakes, but I think that the reason it has gotten a rise out of me is that this collection worryingly indicates an absolute contempt for the manufacturers instructions and for the large body of freely and easily available advice to be found, not least, at Flite Test. And IF the pilot can't read, and there are some people and I make no judgements, Flite Test explain it all out loud and generally with some kind of graphics or examples.

p.s. Artizan... ArtiZZANN (meaning a craftsman or skilled practitioner), artesian is a kind of well isn't it?

p.p.s. Chris, don't worry it was still a good Podcast, I liked hearing about the Delta Ray. I put my two adult sons and my wife up for the first time this last week using a Delta Ray and a Super Cub S. It was definitely a beautiful memory for life.
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hele559 on November 12, 2014
do we email you our crash stories?
if so, what email?
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crash1414 on November 17, 2014
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tommcgarry on November 17, 2014
This might be a silly question. I have a crash story for FT After Hours and I don't know where to put it.. Where on the website do I go to post my crash story? Thanks
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crash1414 on November 17, 2014
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crash1414 on November 17, 2014
You can send them to my email at chris@flitetest.com thanks -Chris
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crash1414 on November 11, 2014
Thanks anon pilot hope we can keep you listening-Chris
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kali on November 29, 2014
i hit a seagull one time , oops V.V (it was fine tho , probably more pissed than anything)
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Zeb Ludlow on February 10, 2015
I've had birds attack my champ! They must have thought it was a hawk,because when my chickens see it they scatter.
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050 A Beginner's Perspective on RC