Influence 67%
Join Date Apr 14, 2013
Articles 1
I am 28 years old, I've been flying RC for 3.5 years. my first aircraft was a DJI F450 with KK2 which flew great, then after 6 months a moved to airplanes. My first plane was a EPP 3D foamy which lasted 10 sec then crashed to bits. I quickly learned 3D was not the way to start. I started scratchbuilding Flitetest swappables. AMAZING, I made the Baby Blender V1 then V2, this is what I learned on. Amazing flyer. As I crashed, I kept building them. I have currently build 11 different swappables/simple builds. I now have a couple nice balsa planes but I seem to always go back to foamies.. Thanks Flitetest guys.