This is my 1st article... I really enjoy the articles everyone posts.
I have been away from RC for about 5 years, but started up again a few months ago.. WOW things have changed... so glad I hung onto my stuff!!! Since getting going again I have gotten into multi-rotors. My son and I started with a couple cheap ($36) Syma X1, then we got the Nano QXs, then a buddy sold me a Hex 550 that he purchased but never got it off the ground. Right now I am building a tri-copter based upon David's ver 2.5 build..
Anyways, this is kind of goofy, but I thought I would share with everyone what I did with my old Android phone that I had laying around. I am sure all you experienced multi-rotor guys have a better way of doing this, but this worked for me.
I setup a bluetooth adapter to my Witespy MultiWii flight controller on my hex 550. Then setup the android MultiWii EZ-Gui App on this old phone I had laying around. I had to root the phone 1st so it could be used like a tablet.
I thought it would be cool to have a mount, which I ordered off of ebay, but I couldnt wait for it to get here, so I started thinking... I wonder if I could build something with hot glue, popcicle sticks and some zip ties???
Here is what I came up with.... The case is hot glued on to the stand and can be taken out of the case for charging/access
Here is the back... it doesn't let the stand fold back because of the antenna, but it works and is much stronger than I thought it would be....
Whats cool too is that when I am ready to take off I can hit the record button from the GoPro app...
Here is a picture of my hexcopter that everything is connected to...
Some might be wondering about the range... it is not more than 200-300ft, but this works well for pre-flight check and starting the GoPro recording..
I hope you find this interesting....Just wanted to share!
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Sadly Bluetooth isn't realy reaching far. But i think i have to try one of these MultiWii boards with BT myself.
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