Simple Transmitter Throttle Safety

by HoriAkuma | September 27, 2012 | (22) Posted in Tips

Ever accidentally nudge your throttle stick while working on or setting up your planes? Prevent accidents with this simple and cheap throttle safety.

All you need is a few rubberbands...

[broken image - invalid source]

Connect them together, 

[broken image - invalid source]

Connect them to the handle on the back of your transmitter,

[broken image - invalid source]

...and wrap around the bottom to the front, looping it around your throttle stick. Stays safe, but slips right off when you are ready to fly...

[broken image - invalid source]


jetpackninja on September 28, 2012
and check my article if you would like to make a more permanent version. Good job and continue to play safely!
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Mirabile Visu on September 30, 2012
What a superb idea. I'll pass it around our flying club, as it's too good a safety tip not to spread around.

Thank you very, very much.

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htomnlinda on September 30, 2012
What a great idea, I'm on a blood thinner and can't afford any cuts of any kind. Thanks !!!!
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Trondareo on September 28, 2012
Another super simple solution to a practical problem. Keep the simple solutions coming!
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iLoveRC on September 27, 2012
actually, not a bad idea, let me try that!
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Benn Gunn on September 28, 2012
Very good idea... i have put the fear of god in myself by hitting the throttle by mistake
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Nonamerc on September 28, 2012
I rather use my programmed throttle cut but this should work just fine for non-programmable radios :) 4 stars
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jayman72 on September 29, 2012
There are times when the simplest solution is often the best and this is it. I am now using this and love it! With spinning blades and props you cant be too careful. Even with throttle cut better to have two safety mechs.
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andybris on September 27, 2012
Dude, Idea is full of simple awesomeness, defiantly stops prop rash.
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HoriAkuma on September 29, 2012
Thanks a lot, everyone!!!
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Simple Transmitter Throttle Safety