In my never ending attempt to create the perfect little UFO I created this little guy.
The idea is that the craft can bump pretty hard at the sides and still keep flying. Perfect for indoors.
The main body is cut out of foam insulation. The booms are made from Poplar. The platform is made from 1/8” Baltic birch plywood. I have done thrust tests on the motors with the small blades, it should be able to get off the ground.
All the electronics/motors/props/escs/controller came from HobbyKing. If indeed she does fly, I will document the actual parts I am using.
Whats Next?
I have to design the landing gear/battery holder.
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For instance I just spent over $500 on a Futaba 8FG and a few spare parts. Thats just about enough to purchase the Electronics (Motors, controller, PowerSupply, Cables) for the CNC.
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The build is the same for all machines and you can upgrade from one to another. The larger the machine the more the materials will cost to build.
I have three machines. Two KRMx02 machines and a early KRMx01 design.
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I found that I could do a little better with copters, but they cost even more and took longer to build.
MultiRotors are a bad RC flyers dream. They can be self built cheap, some can anyway.
If figured years ago, as bad a RC pilot that I am, I had better build A CNC so I could fabricate my own parts.
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I will post some pics as soon as the canopy is finished.
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I have one of those little 808 #16 cameras that I can stick on them. Should look cool for a test flight.
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