Dead LIPO Recovery

by rcjoseb | October 1, 2012 | (29) Posted in Tips

A revised version of the original video I had on my youtube channel showing how to recover a dead or "low voltage" error LIPO using a LIPO charger in NIMH mode.



Jim Fox on October 9, 2012
This worked for me on a 2200 Lipo that went dead in a plane I lost in very tall grass for three days. BROUGHT THE DEAD BACK TO LIFE! Thanks for the great tip.
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rcjoseb on October 16, 2012
Glad it helped!
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charlies on October 3, 2012
Way handy. Left the TX on too many times!
A CAUTION: the bag is because IF on NiMH you OVERCHARGE you will Puff the Lipo, or cause it to BURST INTO FLAMES!
An advice: this will not always work, especially if your LiPo is do deeply discharged. I dunno how to measure this, but have a few dead soldiers unable to be retrieved.
Maybe someone can add to this.
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rcjoseb on October 8, 2012
Unless the cells in the LIPO have gone bad or damaged beyond repair, you should be able to bring up the deadest battery back up to the minimum voltage per cell. I have been lucky that this has worked for me every time.

I agree about the LIPO bag. It's designed to prevent the fire from spreading but you never know. Better to be on the side of caution and always keep an eye out as I mention in the summary of the video. Murphy's Law!!!
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SkySlayer on October 1, 2012
Hy Jose, I was wandering if it were possible to revive a Ni-MH 1000mAh Art Tech battery buy charging it in Li-Po mode, because i have 3 and they have been dead for 4 years?
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rcjoseb on October 1, 2012
You can probably just charge it up in NiMh mode as I think the LIPO mode will produce an error.
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SkySlayer on October 2, 2012
Ok, thanx man
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enivid on May 29, 2013
I was dumb enough to leave the voltage alarm overnight... those things can kill your battery too!
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Fearless FPV on January 5, 2016
I just trick the charger into believing that the voltage is OK by plugging in a good battery.
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Dead LIPO Recovery