Bixler Sunset Flight HD

by BillyG | October 1, 2012 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

Nice dusk video flying around the Pecos River Valley here in New Mexico.  Hope you enjoy.  Details in the video description.


ABQ Bobcat on October 5, 2012
You going to get any video with your camera during Balloon Fiesta next week? That would be cool!
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BigJess on October 2, 2012
Really nice BillyG!
Gotta love that N.M.~!
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BillyG on October 2, 2012
Love NM. If you want to see some more pretty NM vids check out, "tricopter canyon dusk" and "tricopter river valley and ruins" on my channel.
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Benn Gunn on October 2, 2012
great long finals... very nice
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ABQ Bobcat on October 1, 2012
Thanks for showing just how beautiful NM can be!
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BillyG on October 2, 2012
Thanks! I've got more and will be posting more.
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Bixler Sunset Flight HD