DIY turnigy9x mini receiver

by dpello | October 27, 2012 | (16) Posted in Projects

Hi! I'm going to receive my first DLG in a few days, and I need a receiver for it, but t9x receivers are usually big for the small pods of these planes.

As I have a FlySky9x radio (same as the turnigy9x, eurgle 9ch, etc), we don't have microreceivers for them (or at least I cannot find them), so I wanted to take one of the smallest receivers for this radio (the 3ch one) and try to shrink it a bit.


These 3ch receivers are small, but the vertical connectors take a lot of space, and the case it's also big, so let's start, first removing the case:

 Then we are going to remove the vertical pins and solder some horizontal ones, it's easier to unsolder them one by one, so first remove the plastic joining them:


Now, heat each pin with the soldering iron and pull it from the other side with some tweezers, it's much easier if you use a "third hand":

After removing all the pins, clean the holes with the soldering iron and solder wick or a solder pump.


Now we put the horizontal pins in place...


and solder them:

I re-use part of the original sticker to mark the pins,

And this is the final result after wrapping it in shrink-wrap:

It takes much less vertical space (because of the servo connectors) and it's a bit narrower and thinner. I can't wait to try it with my new DLG!



elemental on October 27, 2012
Great tip!
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Benn Gunn on October 30, 2012
clever work.... very good
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Nonamerc on October 28, 2012
5 stars! Great detailed howto!
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1aalbes1 on October 27, 2012

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flight monkey on April 17, 2013
I agree, nice job. I will definitely use this tip for my scratch builds. I have this radio and bought the 3 channel receiver for compactness, but ran across the same verticall connector clearance issue. This will definitely help.Thanks Buddy.
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Patnaude_av8r on January 25, 2014
Nice tip, where can I find horizontal pins?
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mauemmel on April 9, 2014
hi, how about the reach of this rx? same as the six and the nine chanel?
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DIY turnigy9x mini receiver