Multirotor Racing

by BorisB | March 10, 2014 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

1st ever Multirotor races in Netherlands.



5 quadcopter race


AndyPants on April 8, 2014
Great video and great flying! We've tried similar racing here but we had major issues with interference between the multiple fpv signals. Even though we took great care in spreading everybody as far as possible across the 5.8 spectrum, we could not get more than three people in the air at a time. We were using both Immersion and Boscam equipment. One guy's transmitter was leaking over the entire 5.8 band, when he powered up we all got his video. we thought of having some sort of scrutineering before a race to check for fpv equipment problems, but that would really require a spectrum analyser - something we don't have funds for at the moment.
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BorisB on April 8, 2014
Thanks Andy. We had 2 guys on 1.3ghz and 3 guys on 5.8. On 5.8 band one was using the lowest Boscam channel (5640) and the other two guys were using immersion channels. We had no problems at all.
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Mich on April 8, 2014
Great! I really enjoyed this video!
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BorisB on April 9, 2014
Thanks. It was a great fun to do. I hope others can get some ideas of what they could do.
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trigger on April 11, 2014
Great article, that was a lot of fun to watch, I bet it was even more fun to do !

I hope I'll be able to race like that once I get my Mini H Quad :)
Go Team Blackout !
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Multirotor Racing