Chris, Mike and Adam make the yearly trip to Toledo,Ohio for the Weak Signals RC show and discuss what caught there interest. Andre also joins the group and since we had a few good flying days listen to see what happened and who crashed what.
The brushless motor wheel
The Multiplex FunCub XL
The big debate between the new Eflite and Flyzone UMX B25's
Horizon hobby now carring FMS planes
the aftermath of the crashed mini tricopter and no damage
Just in case anyone wanted to check out Casey Neistat here is just one of the videos we talked about
Chad South and his Bicopter
Vine: @FliteTest
FliteTest Instagram: @flitetest
Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey
FTAfterhours Social Media:
FTAfterhours Twitter:

FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours
FTAfterhours YouTube: @ftafterhours
André’s Twitter:
André’s Instagram: @andregt6
André’s YouTube: @andrerousseau
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While listening to the tale of R/C Eric, I can HK Spitfire Mk. 24 has had about 120 outings in 5 years, and is going strong, but its only enjoyabel because I have literally hundreds of hours flying slope soaring EPP warbirds - and this gave me an idea for a solution for R/C Eric....
(1) Convince Eric to get a 60" EPP Warbird from Leading Edge Gliders....
(2) Get Eric to build it - it will be a good education for him
-Mods :
--Replace the balsa tailfeathers with corflute/twinwall 3mm
--Cover the thing with 3M fibreglass duct tape - the creat, cross threaded stuff
--Finally use mylar tape for a silver finish, since Eric has a WWII USAF fixation....which is cool.
--Then use self adhesive vinyl for markings in various colours...
(4) Teach Eric to SLOPE
This is a great solution, because now...
(1) The plane is immortal - Augur in, and it bounces, ready to fly again !
(2) Flight time is measured in HOURS, not minutes
(3) Its a warbird !
(4) in most cases Eric can get away with three channels, perhaps even two...
Then, the other really good alternative would be for Eric to, of course, get building the FT Spitfire, FT Mustang, and FT Mini Mustang and FT Mini Corsair......These are very inexpensive, easy to get hold of, and of course if they die, well, then its a $40 kit as opposed to a $400 lawn-dart !
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Good podcast this time guys, thanks.
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