109 Final Glide with Chad Nowak

by FliteTest | March 6, 2016 | (8) Posted in Podcasts

Special guests David Windestal and Rotor Riot's Chad Nowak join us in studio and we discuss everything from drone racing to Chads other passion full scale Gliding.



Audio Link

Chad is also an accomplished full scale glider pilot

2015 Drone National Champion

check out Chads Youtube channel and all of his other social media at Finalglideaus

Chad Nowak's website

Of course make sure to check out David Windestal's website here for his  lastest videos and all things Tricopter. He is constantly improving on his Tricopter line of products and last but not least in case you haven't heard Check out David's newest YouTube channel slow mo time

We will be reviewing the RCExlporer Mini Tricopter soon

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Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey

FTAfterhours Social Media:

FTAfterhours Twitter: twitter.com/ftafterhours

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André’s Twitter: twitter.com/andrerousseau
André’s Instagram: @andregt6
André’s YouTube: @andrerousseau


PeterGregory on March 12, 2016
Really great podcast - great to hear enthusiasm + experience
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Anon Pilot on March 7, 2016
Nothing of ANY interest to me here, sorry.
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andre on March 7, 2016
Really. Then why post?
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Anon Pilot on March 12, 2016
Because I used to love Flite Test, don't anymore, and want to encourage them to get back on-message. e.g. Durafly Tundra podcast... 6,400+; tech Talk with David, 8800+ I'm beginning to worry that Flite Test without Chad Kapper is like Apple without Steve Jobs. Sorry Andre... - See more at: http://www.flitetest.com/articles/109-final-glide-with-chad-nowak#sthash.C2kAaN9P.dpuf
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Desert Wings on March 8, 2016
I really enjoyed this podcast

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NCC1701 on July 14, 2016
I LOVE this podcast my absolute favorite. I love to hear Chad's life. I love love loved it. I love gliders too so it is perfeeeect
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GluedFingers on March 16, 2016
This was one my favorite After Hours podcast to date. I listened to it twice. I'm not sure what Anon, is talking about, maybe he should look elsewhere. I think FT and affiliates (Stem, Groups, and Full Scale soon) is only getting better and better, and making the hobby better as well. I saw these guys at the last iHobby in Chicago years ago, and they were mobbed at the door. I didn't know who they where at the time, but boy do I wish I did. Educate, and Elevate, remember, the FT crew is doing just that. Now I will listen to it for a third time since the audio is fixed, fantastic.
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controlsurfaces on March 9, 2016
I don't usually comment but holy moly this was a good podcast! Super insightful, inspiring and enjoyable! You guys definitely have to try and get Chad on the podcast again in the future. He explained everything amazingly well and it was just so good to listen to the soothing dulcet tones of his Australian accent. It was a bit of a shame about the audio cutting out though, I know you guys have had troubles with Garageband in the past. Maybe give a program called 'Audacity' a go. It's on both Mac & Windows and is free, but is very well made and could be a bit more reliable.

Anyway just an idea, thanks again for the great podcast everyone!
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FliteTest on March 10, 2016
Peter, Podcast is all fixed and the missing audio is back and i do use Audacity for editing. Thanks for listening.-Chris
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andre on March 10, 2016
Yeah we have a few ideas and will run a back up recording next show.

I'd like to talk to Chad and even Paul and Thomas (BMS Web) to learn about their Dubai experience for sure.
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Ezzy on March 14, 2016
Oh sweet! Love Paul and Thomas! I was totally immersed in Dubai-related stuff the whole weekend. Digging through every periscope, FB stream, youtube vlog and insta post :D Such a cool event.

I honestly don't know which one to save up for, Drone nationals or next years Dubai event, if there is one. Takes a bit of planning to fly over from Finland for a week or so :)
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FliteTest on March 10, 2016
good news,all the audio that was missing has been restored and the podcast has been reloaded thanks to Andre Rousseau. - Chris
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jackweed on April 1, 2016
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kannnixsg on March 11, 2016
This is great news guys, I was listening to the podcast twice this week on the way to work and back and was always sad about the short hickups when some seconds or longer of audio were just missing. That means redownload from Libsyn and import into my car, and next week you are on again :-) ... I am so curious what I missed, Thx for all your work, Stefan
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Ezzy on March 14, 2016
Fantastic episode :) Really love what they're doing with Rotor Riot and it's funny how Flite Test community seems to consist of awesome people. Keep up the great work!
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HilldaFlyer on March 15, 2016
Awesomely awesome! I love it when people are passionate about what they do. I can hear the excitement and joy in their accomplishment... what FliteTest does is to inspire us to new levels of accomplishment, regardless of the flight platform.
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Digital Wolf on March 7, 2016
Last Saturday i had my 1:1 maiden (my first flight ever in a plane what is a bit strange bcz i m a rc pilot for 10/11 years now hehe) in a ASK-21 and it is AWESOME. So my new hobby is 1:1 glider flying now (beside rc flying) will post some photo's in the forum.
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Digital Wolf on March 8, 2016
Chad this video? http://youtu.be/TZzRdmQ-Ft4
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TimmyGT on March 7, 2016
EVERYTHING here is of interest to me...good job guys!! Love Chad, reminds me of myself....except for the skill, I have very little of that lol
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Battershell on March 9, 2016
Loved seeing the periscope live a few Saturdays ago. And loved hearing it all over again on the podcast. Awesome job goes to David for saving the audio! GarageBand is sometimes GarbageBand!

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Goose on March 9, 2016
Wow that was amazing, trying to imagine it as Chad talked
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GluedFingers on March 28, 2016
The third time was the best listen, as you can hear everything. Thanks for the recovery.
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109 Final Glide with Chad Nowak