Spitfire Smoke Bomb

by FliteTest | July 9, 2013 | (21) Posted in Tips

Cannister Smoke Bombs from Phantom Fireworks.

The very complicated holder. A paper tube with a slit in it and some velcro straps. The metal foil in the back is there to keep the smoke from eating up the foam.

Held in place by another velcro strap fastned to the plane.

Up in the air.

The specified burn time on the smoke bombs were 90 seconds. That was pretty far from the truth.

The graceful figure of David in full gallop is an astounding sight.

Reload time.

The orange looked the best by far.

Our faces as the orange smoke came on.

About 10 seconds later when the smoke ran out.

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tramsgar on July 10, 2013
I've seen crazier, but only here on FT (wouldn't mind seeing the smoke bomb end with an äxplöööuschönn). Thanks for entertaining!
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jerimiah85 on July 10, 2013
I did this same thing with my ft flyer for the 4 th. I used round smoke bombs From dallor tree and a paper towel roll lined with tinfoil and a small peace of balsa to keep it form melting the plane..
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liveyourdreamsRC on July 10, 2013
Thank you guys for reading my comment about the music on the monday episode. It gave back the sense of the old flitetest but the music with the new twist was really cool! Keep it up, though I don't know if the AMA would like to see you guys with fireworks on a plane, but maybe not because they don't explode.
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Chubbs on July 11, 2013
I don't think the AMA would like anything about flitetest. It's best to just leave them out of it. There's no established flight line, probably not a sanctioned airfield...you could argue they are "park fliers", but then they have big gassers on occasion, and they have certainly exceeded the 60mph park flier speed limit. There's a large tower nearby (which they've hit), and I don't know the weight of the "flying cinder block", but there's a good chance it qualified as "giant scale" and therefore was subject to a whole new set of rules.

No, the AMA has no place here, and I'm glad for it. It would just squash all the fun and force these guys to fly in circles all day long with small planes.
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liveyourdreamsRC on July 12, 2013
Totally agree, and I never said anything about telling the AMA. I just don't get it because flitetest IS partners with the AMA ALREADY! Makes no sense... the AMA only joined with them because of the learning/teaching/in a fun and cheap way side of mind. The things they do are awesome and should be left alone. And also on the flying fields do you really need an established flight control line? I have seen plenty of people flying at parks and stuff with the big 700 size helis and they don't have a flightline. But they could be 'pushing the rules' too.
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DeValk on July 10, 2013
I propose a challenge. This one is for our favorite Swede

Make a smoke system using a hot wire(contained in a cylinder exiting the bottom of the plane), smoke oil(I can get it at the local hobby shop), a small pump,(???) a small tank,(also from hobby shop or hobby king) and a small brushed esc(hobby king ect). Have the smoke pump spray the oil onto the hot wire coils contained in a tube, the oil would evaporate into smoke and exit the bottom of the tube in a nice thick plume. That way you would be able to make smoke we can all see better then a smoke bomb.

Smoke systems have always been the province of large gas planes it would be nice to see a smaller setup for medium and small sized electrics. That we can all build and afford. Then we can show the gas guys that there is nothing electric planes can't do.

Now cue the cheesy A Team theme and get to the basement.

And as always have fun

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liveyourdreamsRC on July 10, 2013
Hey FT, these smoke bombs didn't show up that well. Maybe you could purchase a few other brands? I don't know if it would fit on the spitfire, but a brand called mammoth makes really good ones; they are on youtube- just search "mammoth smoke bombs."
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slav on July 10, 2013
wow awesome dudes thanks for the laugh..... I still wanna see how manty multicopters it takes to lift Josh Scott challenge time!!!!!
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rcspaceflight on July 10, 2013
If you want a really bad idea. I do mean 'bad idea' because I'm not going to try this and I did try to make a 'rocket plane' before. But apparently you can make a home made rocket engine by wrapping about 20 sparklers (the firework) with electrical tape. I guess the key is to leave an opening on one end for all of the power to escape from. You have to be careful though. This is the same method used to make a bomb out of sparklers. (Except the bomb is completely closed so the power has no place to go.)

I know David said he was going to re-do the rocket plane later. Using sparklers to fuel it would give you more control over just how powerful it is. (You can use more than 20.)
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liveyourdreamsRC on July 10, 2013
I like the idea but it does sound a bit dangerous. It would be cool though.
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rcspaceflight on July 11, 2013
Yeah, I wouldn't dare try it myself. One sparkler gets extremely hot. When you add more of them together, they burn a lot faster and a lot hotter. It just seems like a bad idea and I probably shouldn't have said anything.
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danallen82 on July 10, 2013
I appreciate how David said, "Please shoot video" instead of saying "film" your flights. Love your guys' stuff every time!
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Crashpilot1000 on July 13, 2013
"Achtung! Spitfire!" was accent free German. Keep shocking Josh with that David :) .

"Kraut Rob"
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YWGFoamieFlyer on August 24, 2013

I found these http://rocketfireworks.ca/smokeemit5pk.html hopefully the guys will see this, up to 5 minute burn time and only weigh 18 grams, they also look to burn pretty vibrant colours, I'll definitely try them out!

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VikingPilot on August 10, 2013
Cool, but California doesn't allow for Safe a Sane fireworks all r year around only on 4th of July and in certain towns and municipalities. So you got to make your own goodies for you planes. Here is a good source for that http://www.skylighter.com/smoke-bombs.asp
This should be for adults not your kids who love to burn things down, be responsible with all lethal chemicals.


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nicksta rc on January 12, 2016
are they using the motor they suggest for the stock kit? I want to try this on an FT3D this 4th of July thx

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Spitfire Smoke Bomb