When setting up your airplane it's important to check your control surfaces to be sure that they're operating correctly and (more importantly) that they're not reversed.

You should perform this test every time you are about to pilot an airplane for the first time. The 'high five' method is an easy way to test your control surfaces.

With your radio above your aircraft, move the stick in the direction of the control surface and it should move towards your stick causing a virtual 'high five'.

This is just one way to insure a success flight especially when building your own
speed build swappable airplane, where swapping your
power pod and connecting electrics more often.
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If you want to go to the next step and have one less thing to worry about, you can include a pin-header in the back of your power pod that plugs in the servos (the right way) when you insert it into the fuselage (http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?3365-Swappable-fleet-on-the-way). Shameless plug, sorry.
Take a look, make it better.
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Great tip for the ailerons and elevator though.
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