Crash-Proof Quad - Game of Drones

by FliteTest | June 2, 2015 | (8) Posted in Reviews

We had a chance to visit the Game of Drone combat arena at Maker Faire and learn more about what it's all about!  

The Game of Drones / Aerial Sports League (ASL) puts on a "Drone Combat" event in front of a live audience at  Maker Faire and other events around the country.

The (currently undefeated) and youngest Game of Drone sponsored pilot took some time to talk about his battle-quad design. 

Building off of Hobby King components, Kyle's design is a 3rd or 4th generation that he's put together.

One key component to his design is the carbon fiber 'dome' that keeps his props protected during battle.  

Having extra components and spare parts is all part of the game and Kyle's got his side pack filled with everything he needs for drone combat.

Alex had a chance to go up against Kyle in a the ASL battle arena. Game of Drones let Alex barrow a Hiro Action Sports Quad with the transparent airframe.  

Mark took some time to share his battle drone setup which is built around the Hiro Action Sports Quad (Hunter Orange)

When starting as a flight club years ago Mark and the Game of Drones group realized that typical multi-rotor designs didn't hold up well to crashes and began developing the "indestructable" Hiro Action Sports Quad.

Mark's battle setup is a skirt that is designed to catch the opponent and crash them.

The Hiro  is made from military-grade polymer that allows it to withstand hard hits and crashes.
(aka: "crash-proof quad")

Stay tuned for upcoming ASL events here:

We want to thank Game of Drones for hanging out and giving us a chance to experience Drone Combat first hand! We're looking forward to see what events they will be involved in the near future!

You can learn more about the Hiro Action Sports Quad on their website here:



Zeb Ludlow on June 3, 2015
That was cool! Hey!Josh Scott is back. You should do a Josh S and Peter episode.

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darneto on June 4, 2015
I don't think a fly beach ball is a combat drone :) , We already have that technology of flying Quads with a ball to surround the device, them are the toys I give my kids . Like the 2.4G 4-Axis RC Quad Copter Flying Ball Wall Climb, His is just bigger, Gives the kid a false sense he is good. So to say undefeated is a little over kill. I have kids also , great idea but skill did not win

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Systous on June 3, 2015
Dan Allen - It was frankly. I was piloting "King Koopa" a Hiro frame.
Basically the frame disallowed him from getting engaged in the netting. He spent a fair amount of time on the netting and in one instance was asked to "motor off" as he was trying so hard to get of the net he was endangering the viewers (heavy thrusting sideways into the net). Anyone else got near that net and it was match point.
Pairing that with the springiness of the catch meant "hard landings" or force downs were basically ineffective. The only thing that really could have stopped him was not allowed to be used...
Specifically long sticks to reach into the props... deployables that could detach from the craft so you wouldn't get intangled as he went down (as with Helen of Troy). No carbon props to counter the carbon frame.

Once that was clear I just volunteered old King Koopa to the challenge because hey.. someone has to loose in every battle.

On Friday.. prior to this craft arriving I was 4-0 using the combat readiness of the Hiro and some fancy flying.

Was a great time.. I appreciate his efforts to bring such a dominating force to the games. He was a great sport and left a comment in my brain he'll soon regret next year "Oh... I wish there was something more creative". More creative? You asked for it ; )

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danallen82 on June 4, 2015
Systous, thanks for clarifying. I'm just glad to know he was a good sport about it. I'm itching to know what you have in store for him next year ;).
If I had a good reason to compete, I'd try something like what I mentioned above. However I think they would probably disqualify something designed to be deadly =P
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Tom123 on June 8, 2015
ft foam soon?

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danallen82 on June 3, 2015
Quite an unfair advantage. It will change the rules of the game. I don't think he can even lose if he tried. Maybe someone should make a design with oversized motors (for extra torque) and CF cutting props to cut through the barrier.
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Remi Love on July 31, 2015
Im completely new to all of this and quite frankly my brain is scrambled by all you need or not need. Watched the videos on and for the beginner and I'm still just as confused . We have no RC club in my area so It looks like I'm on my own . Should I buy a prebuilt plane good for parks thats small and hard to destroy on my first flight? I am highly interested in a glider with a motor on it i am not ready for cross county fights yet but to motor up to a good altitude and then to soar for a while would be fun is this a good way to start seeing how sail planes seem to move much slower . I am kinda confused as to what is a good way to start park flyer or sail plane . Then there is the controller should i buy a 4 channel or a 6 channel and whats a good brand to go with ? What about planes after i completely devastate my first one what would be good to go with then i cant imagine most of the planes in a plane plus radio combination work very well together or ar compatible with each other what about then ? I'm so confused maybe buying a bicycle would be a better way to spend my 200 bucks I'm 41 and looking for cool hobby to spend my money on but not sure what to get or buy . To be honest i have very little money so maybe this is the wrong hobby to be in. What should I do ?
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Remi Love on July 31, 2015
How can flying inside a protective ball be considered fair in a game of Kill'em all you will never lose inside a protective ball . How is this a fair advantage in any fight to the death in this case you can never lose . If the kid had no protective ball would he be any better to worse than anybody else I think not . In a battle situation how is it legal to fly in a way that no one else does hiding inside a ball . What are the rules to this type of combat it seems like hiding in a ball and useing it defensively can hardly be legal or fair .
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Crash-Proof Quad - Game of Drones