Influence 23%
Join Date Apr 13, 2014
Articles 0
Took up RC Airplanes the spring of 2014. This "Old Dog" is trying to learn new tricks. Currently training with an Apprentice S 15e and recently completed assembly of a SIG Kadet Senior Sport seen in my avatar. Looking at a Hangar9 J3 Piper Cub with a .56 Saito that a club member has for sale. After that I would like a Stik (Spring of 2015). My grandson and I have built an "Old Fogey" Speed Build kit which had a short shelf life. We have the kit to build it's replacement and I am also ordering the Simple Storch Speed Build Kit. I live on a lake so my ultimate goal is Float-n-Fly with the Apprentice and any other plane that I can get to fly with floats.