Influence 23%
Join Date Jan 5, 2015
Articles 0
Very active in the local RC community, Member of several RC clubs, Aero Radio Club of Syracuse (ARCS),
President of the Camillus Indoor Aviators (CIA), and Badius Owners club, AKA Badius Boys.
I enjoy a wide variety of RC interests, from Sailplanes, to pylon racers, Sport and indoor. I have been designing and building planes since I was 8 (control line and free flight stuff), and got my first RC when I was in college. I still love to build as much as fly, and altho I am largely into gas /glow powered stuff, I am also getting quite involved with electric flight over the last few years, as it allows for that "holy Grail of RC" that was never quite in reach with glow power, the cheap, quick, fun, plane, without the huge emotional investment of the stick built stuff.
As a mentor and Flight instructor, I have really come to embrace the FliteTest type of planes, not only for Newbies, but for experienced guys as well just to shake up the Status quo, and get the creative juices flowing.