Kris McMillen
Influence 23%
Join Date Apr 10, 2017
Articles 1
Born the son of a Royal Canadian Naval Pilot, fixed wings through to helicopters 1950 - 1975 LCDR Ret:(deceased 2009 Alzheimer's) Gerald Joseph McMillen. Middle child of 5, Our oldest sister died of Leukemia at age 43 in 1996, and our mom died the year after dad, complications from tumors in her stomach.
Me, I'm still here along with two sisters and a brother, all of us living within 32 kms. of where we were raised, my youngest sister and I in the same city and maybe 5 kms. away.
I'm very much a prodigal son as far as living life has gone, and although I have known the Lord Jesus Christ personally since Aug 19th 1979, His promise to never leave nor forsake me, led to my testing Him in a very long and outlandish escapade of prodigal son likeness.
VERDICT IS IN: HE will Never Leave You, HE will Never Forsake You, when you Repent, and Believe in HIM.
I have almost 38 years of proof.
If you need help read the book of Romans, then the Gospel of John, a couple of times if need be, then the rest of the bible, and never stop, The Bible will work, it is the manufactures handbook. Vital stuff. May flying help you discover the wonder of all.
KM. brother in Christ to all who are called and obey.