Influence 21%
Join Date Jan 24, 2013
Articles 0
Just rediscovered my yearning to fly. As a child, I always got rejected on Christmas for an Rc plane, then I totally forgot about my dream. Of course back then they were very expensive and not something you would buy a child of about 12. I would have wasted the $ on the first day. Now I'm thirty years old and I literally just remembered one day how much I always wanted one, I bought one four month ago and now I'm completely obsessed!! Im having a hard time finding something I enjoy more!! I am already building my own planes. Why waste money on something you need to practice on when you can get the satisfaction of building your own, and when you crash and burn, just fix or build again. This is much more than a hobby to ke, my life revolves around flying. I hope everyone gets this much enjoyment from this as I do.