Heppy Ket

Influence 24%
Join Date Nov 17, 2013
Articles 1
Adelaide, South Australia
Sales Manager
I'm interested in building models, both wooden and foam, slope soaring, FPV and aerial videography. Oh, throw in photography and music as well.
I started flying models at an early age, something like 9 years of age I was given a rubber powered Frog Spitfire to build and fly. It didn't last long, but I was hooked. There were various models after that, gliders one I remember had a Jetex 50 motor on it, a spectacular failure (as all good failures should be) an Aeroflyte Mustang control line model. Radio Control began slope soaring with an Aeroflyte Trident, There would have been a half a dozen of these, it was a good basic slope soarer and could thermal (with a push). Then a Hobie something or other that crashed on the beach and an Aeroflyte Hustler that was my only foray into glo engines and it ended up in Lake Cooloongup! I bought a Graupmer Moskito kit that was never built ... life events were to take me away from Modelling for some 40 years. The one day in an electronics store I saw an RC flying wing in a post Christmas sale. Bought it, flew the wing off it and got hooked all over again. The airfleet now consists of Redwing Dragonfly Goldberg Gently Lady (FPV slope soarer) Kyushu Soarus Windrider Scout Bee Flying Balsa Scout (Autogyro) Qasar Twin (build from plans in an old book and modded for two motors) Multiplex Easystar ii (FPV) Multiplex Cularis (FPV) Zeta FX-79 Buffalo (FPV) Xen X-5 (now a slope soarer) Xen Skywalker (FPV) and carrying on .....

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