Influence 57%
Join Date Jan 24, 2013
Articles 2
Pretty much everything, at one time or another, in the past, present, and future. Seriously. And obviously RC aircraft. ;-) My RC hangar (in order of acquisition): Hobbyzone Champ Hobbyzone Firebird Stratos Parkzone micro F-4U Corsair E-flite UMX Carbon Cub Parkzone Bf-109 Messerschmitt (still not flown! - want to get better first) Parkzone Radian Parkzone Radian Pro
Born in Akron, OH Western Reserve Academy; Hudson, OH 1984-88 Massachusetts Maritime Academy 1988-92 U.S. Navy 1992 to 2000 as a Naval Flight Officer (T-34 C Mentor, T-39 Sabreliner, T-2 Buckeye, EA-6B Prowler, Pioneer UAV). Background Investigator for security clearances 2000 to 06. School and Registered Nurse 2006 to present.