Influence 72%
Join Date Mar 11, 2017
Articles 7
We met through Ham Radio. Both Mike WB4ZKA and I (Rick W7STS) are active supporting community events through the communications arts. We have a social event on Saturday nights where the Hams get together for dinner around the valley. At one such "Hamfeast" Mike brought up his new hobby and talked about Flitetest. Having always wanted to get into RC flight but the barrier was balsa and the time it takes to build, I was hooked. I watched the Josh & Josh series, and pulled the cord on the FT-Flyer. I have built about 10 of them, and have experimented with wings and servo mounting. Mike also has the experimental bug, having added elevons to the nutball and a nutjob that allows him to control the dihedral for experimenting. What we both like is the welcoming culture of the FliteTest family.