Whats next for Tiny Whoop w/ J. Perkins | FTP 175

by FliteTest | September 21, 2017 | (0) Posted in Podcasts

On todays Episode we sit down with Jesse Perkins from Tiny Whoop and talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING WHOOP!  We also chat about WHATS NEXT for the guys at Tiny Whoop and how excited they are to continue the Whoop Movement! 

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TINYWHOOP! - https://www.tinywhoop.com/
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Consider SUBSCRIBING and RATING us on itunes!  Also, check us out on YOUTUBE where we do OTHER crazy projects and videos! 

Thanks for Listening and Watching and we will see you all next time!



iflyos on September 22, 2017
Guys, I wanna thank you for the kind words and prayers for Crash. I've known Crash for many years. I've had the honor of being his co-host, and more importantly, his friend. I can't tell you what it means to me to know he has your support and love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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GluedFingers on October 9, 2017
What was the battery connector that Benedict from Micro Motor, suggested?
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GluedFingers on September 26, 2017
I think you might have a bot issue here at FT, talk to your network guy about the above links in the posts
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Whats next for Tiny Whoop w/ J. Perkins | FTP 175