We cannot get away from the word drone and I don't know if we should try.We may need to use the word and dispel the negative image that people have about our systems.How will we make our position heard if we do not speak up?We need a realistic,moral, responsible,forward thinking,voice to represent us.Perhaps the N.R.A.is not the model we should chose for this but the Boy Scouts of America.("I hereby do solemnly swear to be a conscientious,responsible, video pilot...") We need to put forth a positive face and counter every negative falsehood that the media hangs on us and give back facts.
I am willing to work to keep my hobby.What are you prepared to do?
Parker Cheatwood
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But yeah, not sure on the video.. seems to be general and not going in a specific direction... we have enough problems with the word 'drone' which will be hard to over come.
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Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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