I am three weeks into this scratch building disease and I came up with a cheap yet effective and versatile idea for a motor mount. Go to you local home improvement store's electrical sections and look at the single gang new work boxes. Make sure to look at the HEAVY DUTY ones... can you see the mount/firewall? For 72 cents and 35 seconds you can make a simple light weight firewall by cuting as seen in the pictures below. If you need something a little more substantial add some of the plastic that you cut off as diagonal supports with some CA. If you want a simple addition to the power pod, don't make it L shaped and glue the extensions onto the inside or outside of your power pod. The plastic is lightweight and strong and and very easy to work with. If any one has any questions feel free to drop me a line and I will submit further instructions and photos. I used the cheaper grey box to help demonstrate the lines around the center point and the marking of the cut lines. (note the recessed area for the shaft of the motor).
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Just my $0.02!
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