Unorthodox Painting Method

by ITCyoy543 | August 29, 2013 | (5) Posted in Tips

RUSTOLEUM! Whoda thunk it? Every fiber of your being says no, works. I had my doubts about this stuff but it turned out pretty good.

All i did to paint the plane was to spray about a foot away from the plane and to spray in short bursts. This method works because its the propellant that melts the foam, not the paint itself. To do this i had to use more paint because about half of it went everywhere else but the plane. But it was worth it. I did notice that the foam did get soft in the areas that i put the paint down to thick, but after a few hours it hardened up again.

I also put on a clear coat which worked out very well actually. I was kinda worried about the clear coat because the weight of the paint, but I can't find much of a weight difference. If there is a weight difference its probably not much though.

A few tips though. I wouldnt reccomend blue painters tape. It will jerk the paint right off if your not careful. You can put some water on the tape to make it less sticky but that just makes a mess of things.

Also if you want to put designs on the plane make sure you have everything else covered. Because the spray cans arent exactly accurate. There made to put alot of paint down all over the place, so be careful with that.

Yes Red Bull. It gives you wings!

 Also yes the mirror effect was done....wrong.


Willsonman on September 3, 2013
The acetone based paints are the trouble ones. I've had some success using this technique but it also depends on the foam. Its very hard to melt EPO foam. I have a Durafly model that uses the EPO and you can take straight acetone and wipe the old paint off without harming the foam. Its pretty resilient stuff. On the other hand, I use acetone to melt out the pink foam from fiberglassed parts. Makes a nice black and pick ooze but cleans up rather well.
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Eric1972 on September 3, 2013
Have you tried the water based enamel from Krylon? It's the H2O paint but many places don't carry it anymore. Guess it wasn't a big seller.
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ITCyoy543 on September 3, 2013
I read about the water based paints actually. They said that it is a really heavy paint. So it may mess up the planes flight characteristics if you put down a heavy coat of paint.
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Phoenix1962 on September 6, 2013
I recently finished a DT Foamy of my own design. It's a war bird Swappable inspired by the FT Spitfire. It is a Hawker Typhoon MK IB. I used Min-wax Polyurethane as a base coat as per. FT, and I also painted it with Rust-oleum, Krylon, and the fast dry brand paints found at Wal Mart! Worked great! The Minwax works well to protect the foam from the paint, and provides a great waterproof seal. If you use the method outlined by FT and wipe most of it off while it is still wet. then weight isn't even an issue. I also hit it with a 320 grit sanding block before adding paint, and was able to use blue painters tape to mask with. I used Rust-oleum 2X Flat Gray Primer for the undercarriage. Fast Dry brand flat Gray Primer for the upper surfaces, and Krylon Italian Olive Satin for the camo patern. Give it a try! Good luck!
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Unorthodox Painting Method