Ultra Vs. Spironet Real World Test

by StoneBlueAirlines | January 14, 2015 | (4) Posted in Reviews

We test three of the best 5.8 antennas out on the market that you should be using.

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joneill4 on January 14, 2015
I wish you would have thrown in a set of $10 Hobbyking antennas for contrast.
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StoneBlueAirlines on January 15, 2015
If only I had those great antennas they are pretty bad.
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Shufty on February 11, 2015
I've recently upgraded my LHCP cheapy HK antennas to the BlueBeam Ultras. Have to say, for how cheap the HK ones are they still did a great job! The Ultras are better, but not really as much as I was hoping!
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StoneBlueAirlines on February 11, 2015
The more you push the range the more you see the difference.
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notsane on January 14, 2015
Well, there goes $65 to see how good the AirBlades work. If they work 50% better than my cheapo Chinese copies I'll be one happy camper!
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StoneBlueAirlines on January 14, 2015
Did you order the set today from SBA? You will like them if your new to 5.8. Thanks for watching.
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notsane on January 14, 2015
I did order them from SBA, but I'm not new to FPV. I'll reply here with how much better they are than the cheapo's ...
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notsane on January 28, 2015
I range tested the Airblades with the same equipment I've used with the Chinese ones off of eBay. Overall I'd say the improvement is on the order or 20%, although the number of random drop-outs seems to be lower up until that point with the Airblades. A downside of the $65 set is that it only includes a single right-angle adapter ... for that price there should be one for each antenna. I had to re-mount my transmitter to use a straight antenna. In summary ... I'm going to keep this set on my most-used quad and goggles, but at the price and performance I won't be swapping out the cheapo's on all the rest. THis eBay listing is for the Chinese antennas: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291261881991?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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StoneBlueAirlines on January 28, 2015
20% is a big change in FPV when your taking over all use. As for the right angle I would personally have some on hand. Not every install needs them as I use sma cable for runs there so low cost keep a few on hands. Thanks for the feedback on your setup.
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Balu on January 14, 2015
AirBlades and BlueBeam are the ones from Video Aerial Systems ("IBCrazy")?

I have not really seen big differences, but as a newbie I don't know what to look for anyway. The IRC ones had minor glitches, but overall all three seem to be nice.

TL;DW; Buy quality antennas, price usually is a sign. :)
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StoneBlueAirlines on January 14, 2015
Yes they are all good and having flown for a few years now just FPV the better ones make a difference. I am stuck on VAS gear it just works well. Pick up a set you wont be sad. IRC good stuff too no major complaints just not as crisp for us. We might visit this again with a long range ship.
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Ultra Vs. Spironet Real World Test