Tricopter Design Part 1

by MIDNCOCO | March 18, 2013 | (9) Posted in Projects


Exhodus on March 20, 2013
Nice work! and mighty useful when designing new tricopters! :)
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tecdux on March 22, 2013
Congratulations my friend! Very interesting! I'm a mechanical engineer and it was nice to see lots of known equations in your text. Would be possible to send me the PDF?
Best regards!
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RetroMcSmart on March 20, 2013
Awesome research and great lecture!
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Cyberdactyl on March 21, 2013
Good thorough presentation. I always enjoy seeing some insight in multi-rotors I've over looked. By the way, we're neighbors, look towards the fair grounds occasionally, I fly over in the large field near the new veterinarian building. You may see my SketchUp models of the Bell Tower floating around, most likely the poly-reduced version in Google earth.
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Tricopter Design Part 1