Thrust vectoring multicopter. Version 2.

by rchacker | March 5, 2013 | (16) Posted in Projects

This is the second version of my thrust vectoring Sidewinder multicopter. I have added two more motors to better deal with the mass of the simulated FPV gear.


Adib Vahedi on March 7, 2013
Wow your cipter looks great! You should just put a camera on it to see the view from the top!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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Numptee on April 25, 2013
deadset genius mate, this is incredible!
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apache64 on March 7, 2013
Very innovative, i can see it being very useful, as you say for obsticle avoidance etc..
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Hasersys on March 6, 2013
This thing is so neat!! I love the side to side movement.
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smit6089 on March 6, 2013
You are an innovative man. Keep it up.
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TheRedBaron on March 27, 2013
That is awesome how much do you expect to be able to lift with that?

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rchacker on March 27, 2013
FPV gear with additional gopro, no worries. (same mass as those two c cells) I have more videos up of it on my youtube channel.
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Thrust vectoring multicopter. Version 2.