The Ventus

by FliteTest | June 26, 2011 | (0) Posted in Reviews

In this episode Josh Bixler and David Windestal review the Ventus! Without the controls, Josh Bixler talks us through the plane's flying tendencies, while David hunts for thermals! Did someone forget to give Josh Scott the memo that we were filming? Tune in to this episode to see the Ventus!


bitogre on January 30, 2014
How is this a 9 channel plane? According to HobbyKing, this is a 7 servo plane with aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, flaps, and landing gear. Assuming you give flaps and aileron separate channels for left and right wings, that is 8 channels. I also get 8 channels by taking the 7 servos plus ESC to get 8. What is the 9th channel for?
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The Ventus