the ten commandments of flitetest

by aeroncalover | January 12, 2015 | (24) Posted in Tips


The ten commandments of Flitetest-

Thou shall sweareth to liveth by these rules when building thine aircraft of remote control-

1. Thou shall have a sufficient supply of spare Adams Redi board

If you scratch build, then you are already on top of this! Those speed builders of you out there, however, should keep at least one sheet of foam on hand. Especially if it is your first build. You WILL mess up at least once. Relax, it happens to the best of us,  as long as you have extra foam, youll be good to keep going!!! The stuff is just a buck! You cant go wrong!

2. Thou shall knoweth the difference bethween A and B style folds

Know this rule!!!! it will save you a lot of headaches! A style has the cheeks Above the plate, B style has the cheeks Beside the plate.


3. Thou shall not forsake a sharp razor blade when thines current blade is dull

Above all, live by this rule! the key to a good build is a shrp balde! Dull blades will ball up the foam and make your cuts look very ugly.


A sharp blade looks like this

Or this

4. Thou shall reenforce all glue joints with hot glue

If you plan to fly your plane for very long, or even get it off the table in some cases, all your hinges need to be reenforced with hot glue! Don't skip this step!!!

5. Thou shall knoweth that all who build have a favorite Swede, and his name is David

Daaaavvvvviiiddddd!!!!  That is all

6. Thou shall use a glue gun that shall provide ample glue to thines build

Get a good glue gun! One that is hot enough but not so hot that it melts your foam! Just about anything from adtech will work nicely, and they are cheap. My build buddy and I like the adTech mini.  --- adtech website

7.Thou shall keep a tidy work area

A clean work area leads to a clean mind, and a good build! find a bench with drawers so that you can keep all your tools organized and return them when they are not being used. This is KEY!!!!

8. Thou shall have ample refreshments available to Thines self and build buddies

Dr. Pepper, Mnt. Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Oreos, anythimg to keep you well nourished (haha!) and happy. This will minimize distractions from your builds to go to another room and get food. Get creative! Add a mini fridge to your shop!

9. Thou shall shareth the hobby

If it werent for sharing the hobby this article would not be written, Because I would not be in it! Give FPV rides, Buddy box, and above all be friendly! People will be more likely to have a posotive image of our hobby if the hobbyists are kind and inviting!

10. Thou shall have fun

Enjoy it! If a build starts to feel like work, Walk away and come back to it later. This will save many a project from abandonment. Also, remember, Flying is fun!

****Disclamer time******

This article was in no way meant to offend, mock, or insult in any way, Shape, or form, any religious sentiment or beleif.


Bayboos on January 18, 2015
The very best 10 commandments ever :)
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The Groundhog on January 19, 2015
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Lucas Tjom on February 5, 2015
By far the best
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BigOleJim on January 22, 2015
We need to give the Flitetest bunch lots of encouragement. I believe we are among the first builders in what appears to me to be an ever improving, ever growing company. Only wish I'd thought of it 20 years ago. Good luck fellas! BigOleJim
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RaptorTech on January 18, 2015
Spot on!
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spitfireFTW on January 18, 2015
Build buddies for the win!
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aeroncalover on January 18, 2015
For the win!!!!
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earthsciteach on January 19, 2015
Great post! However, the piece of the tablet containing #7 must have broken off...
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Bellows on January 19, 2015
Pay Attention to these! I ran out of foamboard while building a Mini Guinea cargo twin yesterday. I drove to the local Dollar Tree and they were OUT of foamboard! I had withdrawals immediately. On the good side I finally got around to using my many scrap pieces that I had saved. I built the entire plane except for the wings. Whoo Hoo.
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epic on January 23, 2015
Please forgive me, for I have broken number 7.
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oldguy on January 21, 2015
5. Thou shall knoweth that all who build have a favorite Swede, and his name is David..... great pic ..... David looks BAD and MAD .......
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doobin on January 20, 2015
You should make a pdf/poster out of the ten commandments of flitetest to hang in our workshops!!
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banditjacksRC on January 23, 2015
#8... RED BULL - Can't start a saturday/sunday build without it!
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NoUsername on January 30, 2015
You can add A stop off at Tim Horton's for the 10 cup of coffee and a few dozens of doughnuts to share while hanger flying.
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noaflight2 on January 18, 2015
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Amdaylight on January 18, 2015
A wonderful little post!
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aeroncalover on January 19, 2015
Thanks for all the comments guys! For my first article to have nearly 5 stars means a lot!
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steadfast4life on January 18, 2015
I'm afraid I've broken #7. The choice between clean or build always ends with build winning.
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danield on February 4, 2015
A clean work area is a sign of a sick mind, and I'm about as sick as you can get and still fly.

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wanabeRCexpert on December 6, 2016
i wholeheartedly agree
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Phoenix1962 on January 18, 2015
This is a cool little post! I really like the pic of David! You guys are too much. :-)
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LordVader on January 18, 2015
This is a great article. Every bit of it is true. Good stuff.
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PeterGregory on January 19, 2015
Yes on #3 Sharp Blades. I bought a 100-count pack on eBay. I notice that the foam board eats them almost faster than balsa(!) I bought rouge and an Arkansas stone, based on this article in FT:

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ratdog on January 18, 2015
I must say that David makes a great looking villain! (if he is hunting drones, I assume he is a bad guy!)
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The Groundhog on January 19, 2015
Watch DR1!! You won't regret it!
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Nicolas on January 18, 2015
Perfect! I am going to make a poster of these and hang them in my room. :D
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jimmykobler21 on January 18, 2015
hahaha!!! sean i love it XD
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aeroncalover on January 19, 2015
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ofir77 on January 20, 2015
Great and hilarious one!!!!!
Loved the swede rule!!!
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SGRacer on January 18, 2015
Too true on all of these! Great write up. Articles that are fun/funny, I find, I share more often and make my wife read them! My wife is constantly saying "why didn't you just say 'The Swede'?" as to not confuse any other Davids in the world (and no she does not watch FT Videos, yet she knows David)
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aeroncalover on January 22, 2015
I would just like to clarify that this was not written by the flitetest crew. I tried to put myself in their shoes when I wrote the article, and I guess I did a good job! The pictures of Josh with the foam and the fold styles were simply taken from Google.
Please stay behind flitetst! I personally think that they will be the next big name in the hobby, right up there with horizon.
Thank you for the outpouring of kind comments and support, it means a lot especially considering that this is my first article.
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the ten commandments of flitetest