063 The Flite Test Wives

by FliteTest | February 20, 2015 | (26) Posted in Podcasts

 Chris brings in Jen,Anna,Lindsay and Kimberly and asks them the questions you wanted to know

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Vine: @FliteTest
FTAfterhours Twitter: twitter.com/ftafterhours 

FliteTest Instagram: @flitetest
Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey
FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours 

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Gantorin on February 20, 2015
Fantastic podcast episode. First off, I top my hat to all the ladies that help make that place run. That was very Iditarod to see a glimpse of the guys whether at work or home that we may never see on film. I would totally love to see an episode of they ladies flying being that I am a HORRIBLE pilot, I am sure they are all more experienced than me. Give me something to shoot for. I know I won't be a Josh Bixler over night.
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HilldaFlyer on March 8, 2015
Big hit - I'll say. Loved the candid answers and insights. Yearly event, if not more often!
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PropSpinner on February 23, 2015
I enjoyed the podcast.

I had some work in the north Canton area so I decided I would try to find the FliteTest facility. With limited information I was able to find the building. I went inside and only found two people there one of which I believe was Lindsey. They were manning the lasers in the FliteTest sweatshop. I asked if the guys were in and she said they were out on a shoot. Or at least that's what they told her. :-) I didn't get to see the flight test crew but Lindsay tried her best to make me feel welcome. Even though she was very busy she was very charming. I didn't stay long because I didn't want to waste her time but I'm glad I stopped. You're all a very special group of people and I enjoy your work immensely.

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earthsciteach on February 20, 2015
I will totally wear a pink shirt, Jen!
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danallen82 on February 24, 2015
I really enjoyed this podcast, since I now have a family. I really hope to one day get my wife and little girls into RC. It's great to hear of candid thoughts on the subject. With that I end this saying: I'm jealous of your wives' support in the hobby since mine is mostly indifferent. Keep up the good work.
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PeterGregory on February 21, 2015
Very entertaining, great thinking on doing this format for the show...
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Goose on February 23, 2015
Beat pod cast ever, made my laugh and think of. My experience do it again
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poplharris on February 20, 2015
Thanks ladies, great podcast.You all did a great job giving some insite to our favorite flitetest characters. And thank you for the excellent work your doing behind the scenes.
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Epitaph on February 21, 2015
I want a pink shirt!!
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fishmanpuffer on February 21, 2015
Good show! refreshing change
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fishmanpuffer on February 21, 2015
LOL this pod cast was SMOOTH
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FliteTest on February 24, 2015
Ha! You made me laugh on that one. - Chris
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vwflat4 on March 13, 2015
Thanks for doing this Chris, It's nice to see the hobby form the spouses point of view. It wold be great to see some of the wives in some of the shoots, maybe do an episode on which spose can fly better?? Regular updates would be great. Thanks again, Great Podcast Ladies.
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fishmanpuffer on February 20, 2015
Are those telefunken U47's
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Psalmbody on February 21, 2015
My wife listened to the whole show with me and could relate to a lot of what the ladies said. She said that a wife support group sounds like a great idea. Very good show, thank you all.
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fishmanpuffer on February 21, 2015
When I read the title I thought to myself lame show. Man! was I so wrong it was a very refreshing change and a new view on the flite test crew it really brought a personal touch to the show
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FliteTest on February 24, 2015
Thanks everyone for the great comments. looks like the ladies were a hit. -Chris
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earthsciteach on February 20, 2015
Oh - Fred wears one. Nevermind.
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RCFlightAdventures on February 24, 2015
Definitely would wear a pink shirt. In fact pink is my favorite color :D I live in Europe though so that could be a problem :/

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etegration on March 13, 2015
Great podcast episode!
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revoman on March 31, 2015
Just listened to this podcast. I think there needs to be a "WifesOfFliteTest" facebook page. I think my wife would be the 1st to join, and then my flying buddies wifes. ;) Anyhow, great podcast.
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jksbusiness on April 18, 2015
I think the Flite Test ladies should do a monthly show. I am inspired by thier dedication. I am a daughter of an airline sheet metal mechanic. My Dad taught and talked about airplanes as I sat near his tool bench watching his skilled hands. Our new suburban house was located on the high end of the KCI airport flight pattern. (maybe not by accident) He identified the planes in the air and would talk about his latest project. Now I am sitting at my work bench in the basement listening to the FT ladies, watching videos and working on my own FT Flyer. Thanks for the nudge back into the world of flight. Let's get those pink FT shirts in production. Girl Power!
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Capt_Sigmar on July 9, 2015
Great podcast. It was great to hear the behind-the-scenes stories, a little sad to hear how Josh doesn't remember when he last flew just for the fun of it, and very heartening to hear how a good job with good people can really make a difference in someone's life. In many ways, Flite Test has made me long for a job that I love, with people I want to work with.out is definitely an inspiration to know that a labor of love can turn into a business that employs many people, and that enriches those who work there. Great job folks, here's wishing you continued success inn the future.
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063 The Flite Test Wives