These are the easiest cheapest way to make control horns that I have found or seen anywhere. I was looking at a scratchbuild video on YouTube and saw what looked like a floss pick being used for a control horn. What a great idea. I went to the local Dollar Tree to get some foam board and what did I find? A 60 pack of these Aim brand "precision" floss picks for $1.00!
As you can see from the pictures, all you have to do is make three cuts with some scissors or wire cutters and viola! Best thing about these is the control rod holes are already there! Just cut to length depending on how much throw you want or leave the holes to make it adjustable.
I cut the bottom part at an angle to make it easier to poke into the foam when fitting. A little hot glue to fasten it down and you're good to go. Clean teeth AND cheap easy building materials. Can life get any better? Happy building everybody!
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Cut down along the handle side prong, through the floss, then through the arch. Thus leaving you with a slanted L that could be pushed down into the foam at and angle that will light up the holes almost or completely over the hinge. Won't reach as far back but there should be enough to anchor. Might need a relief cut to allow full swing, but the idea might be worth trying. I don't have any to play with... Yet.
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One thing to note, you should determine exactly how much control surface movement you need before gluing these down. With the holes on a slope, you will not be able to place all three above the hinge line, so pay attention when installing them.
If using the non-perforated kind, just use a drill, or a sharply cut piece of piano wire to make your own holes.
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