The Bixler Build

by FliteTest | May 27, 2011 | (5) Posted in Projects

The Bixler Build. Although Josh S. still envies Bixler for having his own plane, in this episode of Flite Test He helps build the Bixler. Josh S. reviews the plane giving us the positives, and the negitives. The Josh'es go to fly the bixler, oh wait! I guess you'll have to wait. Tune in next time to see what Josh S. thinks about the bixler flying expirience.


House Of Noob on October 1, 2012
Finally saw a Bixler out at the field. Very light. What is more, the guy (only his first and second flights ever that morning) had the biggest goofiest grin on his face. Not often you see a 45 year old grinning like a 12 year old.
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The Bixler Build