The "BeastyStar"

by Jeez | May 11, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

"This ain't no EasyStar no more"

A couple of neighbours and I often go flying with scratchbuilt parkjets and delta wings at a farmer's field nearby our city. This one particular sunday, a friend of one of us joined in the fun.
It was such a shame the "First in Fright" contest was over before I knew of this plane's existance, but hey, it's all about sharing fun :)

First when the thing was parked on the grass, I was instantly curious. It looked "off". Splintered carbon rod in the tail boom, ductape, blue foam repair patches, and a main wing and elevator that didn't match the plane.
Oh, and a broken (and therefore disconnected and loose) rudder.



All the more shocked and impressed I was with the flight characteristics:


It has a killer climb rate, and maneuvers like mad! This is an Easystar for real men, and I thought it was worthy of an honourable mention :)


And a little video on takeoff and some power display...



jerimiah85 on May 14, 2013
is there a parkjet motor on this thing? ive got the grayson hobby supersonic v2 and this thing put mine to shame lol
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Jeez on May 15, 2013
I put the details on the youtube description, but forgot it wouldn't show here :)
It's got an NTM 3000kV motor on 4S, sporting over 750 Watts of power...
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The "BeastyStar"